Rachel's Party

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<h5 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}"><span class="userContent">*After TLO and before TLH'


<h5 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}"><span class="userContent">After the exhausting events of the Titan War, Rachel decided to host a party. For winning the war, of course but also for Percy and Annabeth being a couple(finally). Most of the demigods from Camp were also invited. Rachel's parents had gone out of town. However, there was a slight problem. Rachel's cousin had invited herself to the party. This created a slight problem. It was supposed to be a demigods only party. Because of the cousin, Rachel had to scratch out some demigodly games like 'Pin the Minotaur's tail'. Still, it was going to be pretty cool.


The doorbell rang. Rachel ran to open the door. The guests had begun to arrive. Most looked up in awe at Rachel's mansion. Some were in awe after travelling in a limousine.


The doorbell ran again and Rachel knew who it was, she could hear them bickering. Something about forcing Percy in wearing a tuxedo. She opened the door, hugged both of them and pulled them inside. "The guests of honour!" She shouted loudly. "Percy and Annabeth!" Everyone in the room clapped loudly. There were a couple of wolf whistles. Suddenly, there was a noise of a glass breaking and someone gasping loudly. It was Rachel's cousin. As everyone was looking at her, Percy's jaw dropped. In a shocked voice, he said,

"Nancy....Nancy Bobofit?"


<h5 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}"><span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}"><span class="userContent">There was a moment of stunned silence. Rachel had already told everyone that her cousin would be there. She had also told them that she was a jerk, kleptomaniac and a bully. Nobody could imagine Percy knowing a person like this. Finally, Annabeth asked the question on everyone's mind- "Um, Percy, you know this mor- I mean girl?" "Yeah." replied Percy. "We were in a school together when the fur- I mean Mrs Dodds found me." Rachel quickly signaled the D.J to start the music. Soon everybody minded their own business. Meanwhile Percy somehow ended up next to Nancy.

*Nancy's POV*

Nancy couldn't believe it. The dumb kid whom she used to bully had turned into this ...... HOT guy. She knew that she had to have him. She moved towards him. "Hi!", she flashed him a smile. "Hi", said Percy, a little unsure. "Wow, you have changed a lot...." Nancy said to him. "Not you, from what I've heard", mumbled Percy. There was a moment of awkward silence. "Well, I gotta go. Someone's calling me", said Percy. He went towards the blonde girl. Nancy was feeling annoyed. She was rich. From what she knew, Percy's family was poor. Maybe if she could offer him some cash......

She knew it was time to act.

She strode purposefully towards Percy, Blondie and Nancy's stupid cousin Rachel. They appeared to be in a deep conversation. Something about great prophecy and giants or something. She didn't care. "Hi!", she said cheerfully to the group. All three of them turned towards her. "I was wondering if I could talk to Percy alone for a bit. Can you two excuse us?", she asked. Rachel had a poker face on. Percy glanced helplessly towards the blonde. The girl's face looked ready to kill. Nancy wasn't worried, She had dealt with girls like her.


So guys how was it? Part 2 will be uploaded in a while!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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