Chapter 1

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(The fate)

Twilights pov
"The feeling is much the same flash." I said in frustration.

"Twilight come on! Its just friends..." i gasped and turned around and growled.
I pressed my finger in his chest to make sure he felt it.
"Just friends?! Flash how dare you say such things?!"

He pushed my hand off him.
"I can say what I want when I want ok?" Tears started forming in my eyes. "Your never like this flash!"

"Well I am now , happy?!"
I shook my head with my hand over my mouth.
" not! You are no long my flash're a jerk." He grabbed me pushed me against the wall and pinned me there. "Let me go flash sentry!" He moved his head closer and used his lips to grab mine. My mind started getting hazzy and droopy, My legs turned weak. When flash stop in the middle of our kissing , before I could reacted he grabbed my thigh with his hand. I gasped and pushed his hand off. He once again placed it on my thigh, i groaned and touched his hand. "Ugh...flash...stop." He looked at me with caring eyes and stopped. "Im sorry twilight.." I caught my breath and hugged him.

"We should find other people."

He hugged me back.

"So...are we?"

I kissed his shoulder blade and gave a little sniff in sadness. "Breaking up." He held me closer. "I love you so much."

"I love you too,my love."

-Next day-

"You broke up?" Said pinkie in Panick. I nodded while slowly stirring my coffee and cream together.
"Yeah." I gave a long sigh.
Rarity placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well, he wasn't worth it." I slammed my hand on the table which made the girls jump.

"Stop. I don't need to hear his name no more." All of them settled back down in their chair. "Can...we please...switch the subject?"

I looked at the door that just flung open. I looked up and saw a boy with a black leather jacket. I that jacket.
"Flash..." He stopped in his tracks and smiled and waved. I placed two hands on my forehead and groaned. "I love you so much....." I gave a little sniff and got up and apparently fell near my drink. And guess what , it fell on top of me. I curled up abd started to cry. I heard rushing towards me. I looked up and saw a boy with brown hair.
"The name is whooves.." I smiled weakly as he helped me up. "Thanks." He gave me a tissue which i gladly used to wipe my face off.

He handed me another tissue and smiled. "Im twilight sparkle." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you my lady."
He asked me if I was okay one last time, i nodded and he left. I lookd over and saw flash glaring at whooves , squeezing his bottle of water. I bit my lip and sat back down. Rainbow dash started giggling. "Well, that showed flash you don't need him."

I shook my head and wipped my head. "No dash, your wrong, i do need him...more than ever."

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