Chapter 8- A Very Pokémon Day

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I am so excited for this chapter. I have always loved Pokemon, and now my life is complete. If you have any ideas for either a theme for a day could be, or what could happen in the next chapter, you can either comment, or even private message me. Please do I'm like having a writer's block. ANY IDEAS WELCOME, DON'T BE SHY!!! ^_^ Thanks. Now let the show go on.


They stayed like that for a couple of minutes till the waterfall stopped. After that it was done, (f/n) pushed them away wiping her nose, and eyes, so it looked like she wasn't crying. Little did she know Haruhi saw everything around the corner for she was looking for (f/n) the host club was about to begin, and Tamaki wanted to see her before it started.

"Guys..." (f/n) stifled. " If you tell anyone that I cried I will kill you." She looks up to see the Trio smiling.

"Chica no problem. Your rep. won't be ruined by us." Antonio said, and the others muttered in agreement. (f/n) smiled then backed up from the embrace.

"Thanks guys." The (h/c) haired female begins walking down toward the host club. "Come in guys."

The trio follows. Noticing (f/n) was walking away, she moves away from the corner, and walks toward them, seeming like she was just coming toward them. "(f/n)" Haruhi calls. "The Host Club is about to start. Come on!"

(f/n) nods and begins walking faster with the trio behind her. "Sure." After that silence begins to echo the hallway. Never liking the silence (f/n) begins to talk. " you guys know the band My Chemical Romance?"

Everyone she asked shook her head no. (f/n) gasps. "What never?! You need to listen to them!!"

They all nodded their head yes. (f/n) sighs feeling like she's surrounded by robots. The unformatable silence echoes through the hallway till they reached music room 3. Where they open the door to see the rest of the Host Club looking at them expectantly.

"(f/n), my daughter I see you have brought those commoners." Tamaki looks at their clothes in disgust, then turns to look at (f/n) again only to whine. "(f/n) where's your clothes I picked out?"

Smirking (f/n) answers. " I said I would wear for a day, but not what type of day. A 24 hour day, or a school day. Oh, look I picked a school day too."

Kyoya smiles a tiny smile in the background at (f/n)'s comment. He walks up with his infamous black notebook in his hand, and points to Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis.

"Gilbert, first year in (f/n)'s class. Seemingly born an Albino in an average income family. Has a younger brother, Ludwig, who has already graduated and going to a prodigious college on scholarships."

Gilbert stands there open mouthed at the info given about him.

"hmmm. I see you would be good for the Host Club. It seems you're a big flirt around the school.Now Antonio. Spanish, and has a younger brother who loves to curse. Seems you known Gilbert since you were born."

"Si. Amigo, you are good at this."

The glasses on Kyoya's face shines brightly. "Francis, said to be French, only child, but has a childhood friend Arthur. Seems like you are from an average family too."

"'re good at this."

"Now if we add you in with the Bad Touch Trio package then we could..." Kyoya turns around mumbled his mumbo jumbo math sh*t.

The trio looks at Kyoya in awe, but turns to Tamaki scratching their heads. "So, we can join?"

Tamaki nods his head yes. Looking at the twins he orders them to get them the day's theme: Pokemon. Tamaki was dressed as Ash, and Honey-senpai was Max. Mori-senpai was Cilan. Hikaru was dressed as Max, and Kaoru was Gary. Kyoya was Professor Sycamore. Antonio was Tracey, Gilbert was Drew, and Francis was Morrison. Haruhi was Red (Red is the same person as Ash..wink. 0.o ) Last but not least (f/n) was dressed in a team Rocket outfit James off course. Jessie's a little to vain to (f/n)'s liking, but James was pretty funny. But why team Rocket 'the bad guys' because team rocket is the best. (I love team rocket.) Each person had a stuffed Pokemon that goes with their character near them.

The doors to the host club opens, and girls push in. Seeing the trio girls start wanted to request them. Laying down on the couch (f/n) waits to be called on. A few minutes later a couple of boys sit on the floor near (f/n). Trying to strike up a conversation.

A boy with brown hair was the first to speak. "So.. team rocket. I like team rocket."

(f/n) nods lazily.

Now a boy with black hair speaks up. "Are you a hostess. I...mean...can I request you?" He is awkwardly.

"No, I'm not a hostess. Just a dog for the hostess."

The brown head spoke up. "My name is Eren. I've seen you around you are so cool. You look all scary."

They all nod. (f/n) smiles. "Thanks Eren, hey and if you want me as a hostess just have a talk with Kyoya and convince him, it'll give him more money."

The black haired boy opens his mouth. "My name is Jean. Why do we have to ask, can't you?"

"Cause." (f/n) answers. "My pride."

The boys nodded like they understood. Eren pipes up. "I going to talk to Kyoya, that way I'll be able to request you, and I can see you." The boys next him nod.

"okay then ask." (f/n) motions her head toward Kyoya lazily.

They get up to ask Kyoya. When they were out of earshot (f/n) starts talking to herself. "Well, it seems I didn't need the help of the trio after all." She turns around and falls into a deep slumber.

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