Win win!

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It's Tuesday, and Tuesday's can only mean one thing. Jjajangmyeon and maekju at Jongdae's apartment with Minseok. Ever since they graduated from college and entered the grown up world, this has been a weekly ritual of theirs.

Minseok's job as a very successful personal trainer and Jongdae's as an equally successful photographer/writer for a music magazine, doesn't allow them a lot of time to spend together. But Tuesday is always theirs, Tuesday is their day to relax, unwind, and bitch about the shit in their life that can't be summed up in a nightly phone call or brief text sent throughout the rest of the week.

Jongdae loves Tuesday's, hell he nearly lives for them, because there's nothing he loves more than spending time with his darling Minnie. Minseok is his best friend, his brother and he'd do anything for him... Which might just be tested tonight.

"I don't know what it is, but it's driving me crazy, I need to get laid, bad" Minseok says leaning back against Jongdae's couch, throwing his feet up onto the coffee table in agitation "I mean, I've had my dry spells, but this is just ridiculous"

Jongdae chuckles and pats his best friend on the arm "it'll be ok Minnie, I mean I've never been with a dude, so I don't know how it feels to want to have a dick up your ass, but you'll get over it"

Minseok rolls his eyes, Jongdae and him have been best friends for years, since middle school, but they never really talk about Minseok's preference. Even after he came out in high school, Jongdae never brought it up in conversation.

It's not that he's weirded out by it, actually it's very much the opposite, Jongdae was very supportive of Minseok in high school, even going as far as to get himself suspended for beating the shit out of a kid who was giving Minseok a hard time.

Jongdae's just never felt the need to bring attention to it, because to him Minseok is Minseok no matter who he dates.

"I'm tempted to just go out and find a random at a bar, just to let out a little steam" Minseok jokes, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jongdae scoffs, slapping his friend on the thigh "don't you dare, people who are looking to hook up at bars are gross, desperate, and full of diseases. You deserve better than that"

"Says the person who made me drive him to the clinic the second it opened at six in the morning because he thought he had crabs" Minseok says giving Jongdae a pointed look.

Jongdae holds his hands up in defense "hey, you don't mess around with a girl like that without getting tested afterwards"

Minseok sighs, having had this conversation many times and tired of sounding like a broken record "maybe you shouldn't screw around with someone who works at a carnival permanently, at all"

Jongdae snorts "but come on, Minnie, the things this girl could do with her.."

"Ok, ok, ok" Minseok stops his friend, holding a hand to his mouth "I've heard the story, I have no interest in hearing it again"

Jongdae grins against Minseok's hand and shakes his head, when his mouth is uncovered "but seriously, you can't just go hook up with a random person, you're not the type"

"Well what else am I supposed to do? I don't have any single gay friends I can hook up with, and I don't have anyone I can just call anytime for a one night stand like you do" Minseok crosses his arms, clearly frustrated with the situation.

Jongdae sits back for a second and thinks, he really wants to help Minseok, but he's also never had this problem. Out of the both of them, he's always been the more promiscuous, the one who's always had a phone full of phone numbers he could call if he needed a good time. But Minseok's different, he's sweet and kind, he's always been the relationship type, the one to wear his heart on his sleeve, and the one to get his heart broken so easily.

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