On a Lazy Day(Suga(BTS)-fluff)-P1

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Situation: Both you(living alone member of a rookie group, you got money lol, also you are a 96 liner) and your boyfriend(Suga) had the day off from schedules and are both super tired but you wanted to spend this precious time with him. It's raining, and an over all generally lazy day.

Your POV

"Open the door I'm here and it's raining, and I can't believe you made me get up before 2 on my day off"

Yoongi did not sound happy as you giggled and opened the back door to your house, letting in a slightly damp looking Yoongi.

"Yay!! You came and here I thought your sleeping record was more important than me, how late did you schedules run last night??", you were honestly curious because the bags under your love's eyes were dark.

"Almost till 1, we got back at the dorms at 2:30, most of the other members are still at the dorm, sleeping like the dead. Namjoon was leaving for the studio when I woke up to your call, Jungkook was eating something Jin probably made a few days ago. How about you, you look like hell."

"Thanks babe", you said sarcastically," I actually got home around 4 am, considering it's noon now and I've been up since 11, I've gotten like 6 hours of sleep, are they really that bad? I knew I should have put on makeup before you got here!"

"No they aren't that bad, I was just bugging you, you look great" you could feel Yoongi's eyes running up and down your body, you were in a shorts and pyjama top ensemble covered by an apron, you smiled when he met your eyes.

"Okay I woke you up early and so I'm cooking lunch for you, a special dish, made from scratch by me" you grab his hand and pull him to the kitchen when the light smell of cooking food lingered. Scattered ingredients and spices lay on the counters and table top.

"What is this mess and what are you making?" The usual sass from Yoongi and the undertones of excitement sounded in his voice, you had cooked for him before but traditional Korean dishes, not like now and he knew it.

"This mess is all the prep work for my stir fry, something I developed when I was back home cooking for my family, you do not know how hard it is to find baby corn here. It isn't a grand dish but it's a little bit of me from home." you shrugged, you'd made this dish probably at least a hundred times and only for your family, sharing it was a huge stepping stone for you.

"Really? It better be good, I woke up for this." You hardcore rolled your eyes, scoffed and tried to suppress a grin. Most people would be offended by his words but honestly it's why you got along with him so well. 

"Whatever, you got here earlier than I expected so it's not done, the rice isn't even done. Give me like 15 minutes. Just sit somewhere and don't eat the ingredients" you slowly started panicking because you wanted everything to be done when he got there.

"Fine, fine, I'll just sit here and watch then." Yoongi said, pulling a chair from your table, turning it to look at you. You sighed, hoping he would go watch TV was a little much. You started getting busy, throwing in the cut chicken and cooking it thoroughly. Followed by your special blend of sauces and spices. And then you heard quiet snores coming from behind you, turning you see Yoongi asleep, head tilted to one side. Your poor baby, he was so worn out, however he did look hilarious, after adding the vegetables, you grabbed your phone off the counter and took a bunch of photos of Yoongi, which you sent to his members. Namjoon replied first.

oh so that's why he was awake, take care of my hyung, he was up till 6 last night writing songs-"The Monster"(the name you put RapMon in your phone)

trust me Namjoon, he's perfectly safe, I'll always take care of him-you

You stirred the stir fry, it was almost ready and the rice was finally done as well, but Yoongi looked so peaceful, and knowing he was up till 6 worried you, he was always working so hard, he needed some proper rest. Your phone buzzed multiple times, the rest of the members had probably texted back

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