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We were creeping up rather fast in Georgia. We were so close. The girls had joy in their eyes as did I. I knew now that deciding to leave was the right thing. But some lonesome woman told us that rain was supposed be hitting hard sometime soon and that delayed out trip.

The girls dragged on as we tried to make way to Georgia, but the winds starting picking up and frightening us all. We found an abounded piece if land that had a small unstable house. So we stayed cooped up there for almost a whole week. Finally the rain let up some and we could finally wash out disturbed bodies off in the river. We set off and when we got close enough we came across a sign that said Georgia was only miles away.

We continued our journey, and soon hoped for a change in our bitter sweet life's.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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