Chapter 2

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Jason's POV:

After I locked that girl in 'her room' I walked downstair's and as soon as I got to the living room I saw Alex he was on his laptop.

"Jason, what are we going to do with that chick." Alex asked concerned.

"I was thinking about killing her, she already knows too much and she knows where we are located so I guess we'll kill her." I said with a smirk on my face. Alex nodded.

I took a seat next to Alex to see what he was doing my eye's focused on the screen. A map of all the bombing's we've did in the past. We did over at least 20 bombing's and haven't got caught by the police if that's what they called themselve's. We were to smart for those bastards.

"I'm going to go work on the car" Alex said as he got up and walked towards the garage door.

I knew that bitch upstairs was hungry. I got up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen and looked for something to feed her. Finally I found cereal in one of the cupboard and walked over to the fridge to get some milk as I grabbed the milk I also got a bowl from the dishrack. I found a spoon lying on the counter, grabbed it and thought that it was good enough. I grabbed the cereal I made for her, and made my ways upstairs.

Finally I got to her room as I started to take out my key's I heard a soft gentle noise coming from inside it sounded beautiful. "Snap out of it Jason " I told myself and opened the door. I opened the door with my free hand and made my way inside and I saw her sitting cross legged on the bed as she was singing her eye's were puffy like she's been crying. When she saw me she looked shocked to see me, I could tell she was blushing. I scanned her body and then once I reached her face I studied all her face. She was fucking hot. Wait i'm Jason McCann I don't fall for anyone.

"Hey, I got you something to eat." I said

She looked at the cereal and rolled her eye's like there was something wrong with it.

"Just fucking eat it! I didn't do anything to it.!" I said impatiently.

"Fine." she grabbed the bowl and mumbled "Thanks."

I watched her take her first spoonful of cereal she stared at it then finally she ate it. I chuckled.

"What is so funny?" She said demandingly.

"Nothing." I answered back.

I kept watching her as she ate the cereal all.

She handed the bowl back to me and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"What's your name?" I asked curiosity taking me over.

"Kendall." She answered back.

"Well. look Kendall if you need to take a piss or something the bathrooms over there." I pointed towards the bathroom which is also inside the room it was next to the wardrobe.

"Thanks" She said quietely

I got up from the bed and walking toward the door and looked back one more time before leaving. She looked so innocent, so fragile, and I hate to admit but she was hot as fuck.

Should I tell her that I am going to kill her?


Hey :),

I decided to do another chapter so I hope you liked it and tell me what you think of it.

Please Vote and Comment. ^~^

Falling For A Criminal? >> jason mccannWhere stories live. Discover now