Anger in Her Eyes

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I was taking a walk with Gordon around the castle. It was so nice to have some alone time with him, he was such a amazing guy. As we went around a corner, there was a black cat. Some Phoenixes, not me, could talk to animals. The ca came up to us. There was something around its neck. I got down to the cat's level, and he let me read the note. It read:


Can you guess who this is?


"Z-Zane?" I managed. I knelt to the ground near the cat, he looked somewhat like a panther cub.

"Darling, I thought Zane was dead," Gordon knelt by me.

"I was sure of it but... wait, I'll be right back," I got up and ran into the castle straight to Devon.

"Devon, did you ever figure out what spell was preventing you from healing Zane?" I said breathlessly.

"Uh, yeah, some thing like shape morph, or something like that." He looked at me questionly, but I ran out before he could ask me more. Gordon was holding the little cub, and as soon as I got closer I looked at its eyes.

They were blue, exactly like Zane's.

"It really is you," The cub curled up in my lap and was purring. Tears were softly leaving my eyes. My brother, I had him back.

"You okay?" I had almost forgotten Gordon was there.

"There was a spell, about how when people die they turn into their spirt animal. That's why Devon couldn't heal Zane. Who ever killed Zane must have known about this spell. There is only one other spell that just kills the person flat out. But, now I know why..." He pulled me into a hug, softly rubbing my back. I don't cry much, but it was a little emotional when you find out that your dead brother is alive. Zane purred more, and even rubbing his head against Gordon's arm.

 "Let's had back inside, ok?" Gordon helped me up, and Zane refused to leave my grip. So, we walked back into the castle. I'll admit, it must have looked weird seeing me carry a panther cub. He would grow like any other normal animal, but he wouldn't die. I wouldn't lose him again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Neal seemed terrified to let me do this. He had given me Mr. Deven's crystal. I stood before the Nether portal, waiting to light it. My father told me I had to do what was necessary. Mr. Deven's crystal could change a whole dimension to anything. I was going to freeze the Nether. It was hot enough there that if a extreme weather change happened, all the inhabitants would freeze. Not to death, but where they couldn't escape. I was about to throw the crystal down into the center of the portal, thank goodness the portal didn't need to be open, when I saw a man coming from the woods. Neal gave me a smile, and I ran to the figure. He gave me a fatherly hug, and I hugged back.

"My, my, what a pretty lady you are!" He pulled away, smiling at me.

"Mr. Deven, where have you been? I haven't see you in nine years," I kept my cool, though all I wanted to do was let out my excitement but I didn't.

"Yeah, it has been a while. Say, you were going to freeze the Nether, eh?" Mr. Deven walked to the portal, not without hugging Neal first. I handed him his crystal, and turned to Neal.

"How did you get Mr. Deven's crystal in the first place?" I asked.

"He gave it to me, long ago. Told me to keep it just in case, he didn't know what he was going to do, so I kept it. I never wanted you to have it, in the sense that you might think he died and you don't do well with those kind of things," Neal turned to see my father, Zane, and oh joy.... Laurence.

"Wow Zane, you have... changed," Mr. Deven chuckled. Zane came over and let Mr. Deven pet him.

"Hello, Deven. Don't know why you are so nice to my boy, you only saw him once when he was a baby." I could tell my father was not to keen in having Mr. Deven around. I don't know why.

"Who are you?" It was like Laurence chose not to listen.

"Coal Deven, your mother and sister's Phoenix mentor," He got up, and went to Laurence. The two looked similar, it was weird. Laurence and Mr. Deven had the same hair color, almost the same eye color.

"Yeah, whatever. I never had a mentor and I'm an Element Phoenix," Laurence looked stone faced at the man in front of him, and let go of his hand.

"Most do, but only if the parents care enough to ask their own mentor to take care of the kid's magic," Mr. Deven explained. Since most Phoenixes live for thousands of years, some mentors help nearly a generation of Element Phoenixes. But, since they were so rare, the mentors normally just move on someone else. Mr. Deven told me he had been great friends with my mother, so he was happy to help me. But, he never knew about me until I searched the castle and found his name. I had a lot of time on my hands, so snooping around was normal, so long as Zane didn't find me. Only Element Phoenixes had mentors to teach them how to handle their magic and feelings. The mentor had to be a Element Phoenix.

"Whatever, why you here anyways?" I hated how Laurence and my father were so short with him.

"Neal asked me to come, he wanted me to be here if K was to freeze the Nether," Mr. Deven said.

"Look, I'm just glad you came to your senses and left my daughter alone. I never-"

"Shut up, father. You have done the same," I was going to let him talk to my closest friend like that.

"Watch your mouth," I. Have. Had. It. I walked into the woods, and began to breathe. It was so hard controlling my emotions.

"You know what father, its true and you don't want to admit to it. At least Mr. Deven had the courtesy to at least speak with me every so often, you didn't. I sent you letters, and you didn't care!" Now it was almost impossible to hold in all my anger. I guess when you feel ten years of anger, sadness, and complete hatred it does change you.

"Umm... K, calm down." Mr. Deven ran to me tried to calm me.

"That might be true, but I left for a good reason!" Hook walked closer. I didn't him near me. I moved away from Mr. Deven, and whipped my right hand out. A few ice spikes came from the ground, blocking him from getting to me. Hook stumbled back, a little surprised at what I had done. My body was glowing such a dark blue, and you could see all my anger in my eyes.

"Why would you do that, huh sis?" Laurence taunted.

"K, look at me, your letting your anger get the best of you." Mr. Deven didn't come any closer. It was for the best.



Cliffhanger! Kind of... Anyways so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it is long so I hope that makes up for the lack of uploads!  Next chapter will be out tomorrow! Bye:)

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