Chapter 12

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Christina's POV
I walked to the kitchen where my mom was, and I sat down across from her, and looked at her while she was reading the newspaper and then she finally looked up at me "Why?" I asked her giving her a look "Why what?" She said with a confused look "Why would you let Lisa go to New York!?" I said in a moody voice 'Why would I not?" She said giving me a look that I couldn't even describe "The band?" And then she looked at me like I was crazy "She quit remember? Because you have been treating like dirt christina!" She raising her voice and then she took a breath "Christina listen, you're the leader of the band, you're the one who messed up with Lisa, so you're the one who has to fix it, I can't make Lisa go back to the band, She's 22 now, she get to makes the choice, and in my opinion she's doing a good job by making things good for herself, I'm proud of her, you should be too, you can talk to Lisa about the band, but as of right now, she's leaving for New York on Monday, so you have two days!" She said standing up "I'll pass" I said looking down "You will pass what? She said looking at me while she was getting ready to walk out "I'll pass on talking to her" I said looking at her "Okay then I wanna hear no more about it!" She said walking out, and I decided to go outside to go for a walk, and then I seen Grant outside his yard shooting basketball so I decided to walk up to him and he saw me coming up and gave me a weird look "Um hi Christina?" He said in a confused "I want to know what's going on with you and my sister!" I said without hesitation and he raised his eyebrow "Um nothing" he said in a weird voice "Seriously ever since she saw you, she's been crazy, and now thanks to you she wants to move to new York!" I said giving him a glare "Okay first of all, I never told Lisa to quit the band that's your fault! And I definitely didn't tell her to move to New York!" He said raising his voice "Its not my fault!" I said in a shock voice and then he gave a look like I was stupid "Do you even know how many times I seen Lisa crying because of you? Or how many times she insulted herself because of you! He said glaring at me with anger "Its ridiculous that you make your sister feel that way!" He added while he was holding his basketball to his side and there was a silence "Grant, I don't want you around Lisa!" And his eyes went wide "You can't make me stay away from her or make her stay away from me!" He said sounding even more angry then before "Listen Christina, I really like your sister, you can't make me stay away from her, period!" He said with a very confident tone "besides its not even up to you it's up to Lisa who she wants to hang out with!" He said and turned around and started to walk inside his house "Have a nice day Christina!" He said with anger and then he was inside, its his fault that Lisa is leaving, I means he's the one who got it into her head! So I just sighed in frustration, what the heck am I doing, I guess I will have to try to talk to Lisa...great.

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