My mind is a steel trap. Nothing leaves. This disease is killing me. I can't eat I can't breathe I can't think without my mind killing me. Making me hate myself more than words can say. I can't love anyone because I'm scared. I'm scared to be alone. I'm so scared. My mind won't stop. It won't ever stop. It never stops thinking. Never stops creating stories. Tangled to points unexplainable. Impossible to untangle and understand. These stories never finished. Just left to be tangled more and more into my never ending mind. Twisted forever never ending. As stories should be. Left to be twisted more. My mind twisted all sort of things not just stories. But ideas. Options. Views. Everything. Twisted. As human minds do with everything. Some people's views and ideas while thought to be different and special just fall into line with other humans idea;s making then boring and unimportant. People say these ideas and views are important. Because they are because they make up the very base of the world we live in. The base of human life. While I certain few ideas are different. Falling either no where or everywhere in the lines of the thoughts of other humans. Few even making new lines. These idea's change things, change people, the world. Logicly every person has these thoughts. But as you know not everyone chooses to show it. These ideas are shut down but ideas of others trapping these ideas in useless lines while those lines don't matter, which means those ideas don't matter which means ideas don't matter. And if ideas don't matter then what matters. That makes certain questions like what matters and what makes the world. And the answer to both of these is ideas and the answers to these are ideas but ideas don't matter so nothing matters. Nothing. Matters.