Chapter 8 ~ The Tree

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"L-Levin?!" I gasped when the blonde child opened the door.

"Hihi! Wanna play?" He giggled. I could't speak.


"What? Why you keep saying that? Levin's name is Levin, what your name?"

"Levin...I'm your mother...Matilda..."

He looked at me confused, "Huh? But Mommy back in Fee...Feeee..." He was trying to pronounce the name of his home village, "FIFI DROP!! Mommy back there with Daddy, and I'm here with Zoey, and the nice clothes lady and brother! And we always play games, but mommy said we have to visit Metal-EE for a bit so Levin doesn't get to play with Zaaaaaaaane. Zoey says we go back home soon though!To mommy and daddy and uncle Laurance and uncle Dante and Lexis and Kyle and Flower and Forgi (Thorgi) and Puma and Fifi (Phoenix) and Jiggle (Jiggy) and then Levin can look for mommy's kitties again! So fun! You not have kitties or dogs or GarGar (Garroth) so you not Levin's mommy!" He walked out of my imprisonment, closing the door quickly.

I had escaped Scaleswind a long time ago, looking for a place to live. I came out here, and heard news that Levin was a small village around here, so I came to look for him. That night there was a storm, but I was stupidly impatient, and ams running out in the storm, and a tree fell on me. I died that night, looking for my little boy. When the new tree grew in the place of mine, I was bound to it, unable to leave, unable to see if my baby was okay.

But now at least I know. And in my small dark room of death, tears of pure happiness fell from my eyes.

A/N-- Hey!

Okay, I know it's short, but I literally couldn't come up with anything to keep you in suspense from the cliffhanger. (YOU GOT LUCKY)

Anyways, I wanted to say that the series will be ending soon, I know, it's sad, but If you follow my Instagram at NinjaUnicorn101 then you would know already that there will be a season 2! And besides, I don't know when the series will end, so you may have some time still.

The end of this series will be semi-sad, but the beginning of then next, should lift spirits, (Somewhat).

I make no promises.

But, I shall see you later!



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