Is he the one?

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Tia Jade walked down the hallway, the shaggy carpet beneath her t-bars unravelling after years of shoes wearing it down. Her English books were stacked neatly in her arm, and her phone was in the other, texting her friend Danielle. She turned the corner, still texting, and walked into the year 9 lockers. As she walked past the year 9's, the guys stopped and stared, their mouths gaping. Tia was beautiful, with her long chocolatey curls cascading down her thin shoulders. Her face needed no makeup, and she never wore any, so her face was always soft and smooth, never a trace of even a single pimple. Her crystal blue eyes contained silver specks, and shone like diamonds, framed by long black, curled eyelashes, and perfect eyebrows. She had natural rosy cheeks and a gorgeous smile, but despite all of this, she was kind, compassionate and humble. Tia's phone updated her message history with a new text from both Danielle and Abi. It read:

Tia, where r u! Mr pita is getting really mad! U can't have been 'at the toilet' for 20 minutes! Hurry up! We r saving u a spot!

Tia sighed, and replied back:

K, b there soon :)

And pressed send. She sped up a little, and turned her phone off, slipping it into her pocket before zipping it up. The halls were deserted, even the stragglers were long inside. Tia started to worry that the principal Mrs Stag would catch her. Mrs Stag was a strict, unfair teacher, and seemed to have a thing for making Tia's life miserable. At last Tia reached F4, and walked in to see a fuming Mr Pita. She muttered an apology and sat down in between a distressed Danielle and Abi. Tia looked to her left and Danielle smiled at her, her brown curly hair put up in a perfect bun. She looked so gorgeous when she smiled. Her brown eyes sparkled and her soft skin glowed. Tia then looked to her right and saw Abi. Abi was very pretty, with her perfect black braids and flawless dark skin. Abi's brown eyes were surrounded by beautiful black eyelashes, and arched eyebrows, plucked fine. Abi noticed her staring and turned, a confused frown on her face. "What, have you got a crush on me suddenly?" She joked and I let out a giggle. Mr Pita abruptly stopped his lecture and glared at me, daring me to speak again. Tia hung her head and looked at her book, until She knew he had focused his gaze off her and onto the board. Danielle nudged my arm and whispered something like "he's staring again" Tia laughed, and looked down again, Incase Mr Pita decided to turn around and pick a culprit. Luckily he didn't, and Tia turned around to see her boyfriend Connor winking at her, with his charming smile, handsome face and cheery eyes, she couldn't help but blush and laugh. Mr Pita spun around, and caught Tia in the act. He pointed at an empty seat next to Sam, who had been Tia's friend since primary school. She picked up her books, and rolled her eyes at Abi and Danielle, who tried to stifle their laughs. Tia dropped her books down on the damaged table, and slumped in her chair.

"Don't you wanna sit next to me?" Sam asked, a big goofy grin on his face.

Tia rolled her eyes and ignored him, he was so immature.

The 2 periods went slowly, and Danielle and Abi kept on shooting apologetic glances my way. But finally the torture was over. As soon as the bell rang, everyone grabbed their books and rushed out the door. I bumped into Connor, and smiled. He smiled back and pecked my cheek. I linked my arm in his, and we walked down the hallway, Danielle and Abi following us closely. I saw the rest of my friends at the lockers, everyone else had left, and I squealed in delight, leaving Connor to talk to Sam. I had missed them already. Sofie looked up, and her blonde hair fell across her eyes. She grinned and ran over to give me a hug. "You've grown!" I joked and she jabbed me playfully, laughing all the while. Meg came up behind her and her face lit up. Her jumper had little grey rabbit hairs on it, and they went up my nose as I gave her a hug. I sneezed. "Oh sorry! Miffys started to shed" she said and I laughed.

"Hey where's Ellie?" I asked and Meg pointed behind her to the corner. "With Matt, having a make out sesh." I looked into the corner and saw them, Matt's hands around her neck, kissing her jaw, and then moving to her mouth. Ellie had been so happy when Matt had asked her out, she had had a crush on him for 4 years. I shuddered and everyone laughed. We all grabbed our recess, mine being a cookie and a shiny red apple and we walked outside. Connor and Sam followed us out to the oval. Waiting beneath the Tree were Danielle's, Sofie's, Meg's and Abi's boyfriends. Danielle sat next to James, Sofie next to Lucas, Meg next to Tyler and Abi next to Chase. I sat next to Connor, and we leaned in close. He licked my lips for entry, and i allowed it, and we kissed passionately. His fingers around my neck gave me tingles. He pushed me down onto the grass and he started to get rough. He ran his hand up and down my neck, and left a trail of kisses along my jaw line.

"Whoa! Get a room! " said Lucas, and Connor stopped. I sat back up and blushed. Connor pulled me in and kissed the top of my head, and I gave him a hug. I looked beside me, and Sam sat there, looking sad but maintaining a brave smile.

Ellie and Matt waltzed over, hand in hand. She couldn't stop smiling. She sat down beside me and whispered, "I still can't Believe we are going out" I replied "well you are, you lucky girl" and winked.

Chase got up, and said " well us boys are going to go play some footy." The girls nodded, and shuffled in closer.

"Ok, I'm first" said Abi and we all leaned in, eager to hear the news.

"Me and Chase are going on our first date on Friday!!" She screamed and we all screamed with her, probably sounding like a group of seagulls to everyone else in hearing distance. We all gave Abi our fashion advice even though she didnt need it and Then it was Meg's turn.

"Ok, well as you know, I like Tyler..... And..... He asked me out this morning!!!!" She exclaimed. We all squealed again and congratulated her, and then Sofie went.

"We had our first kiss on Saturday!" She said excitedly. We all laughed and bombarded her with a bunch of questions.

We all looked at Danielle, and she looked straight back at us.

"Ok, well James broke up with Sally last week, and he's being really well umm flirty with me." We all smiled, and I raised my eyebrows. "He's so into you" I said and Danielle chuckled and twirled her hair nervously.

Ellie broke the silence. Well I'm off to go see some hot guys play footy, anyone coming? We all got up and rushed over to the oval, to go see our boyfriends kick some goals.


I'm so sorry about how it goes from 3rd to 1st person, but it was proving to hard to write like that, and I kept on resorting back to 1st and having to rewrite it.

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