Is he the one?

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The guys ran around the football field, never tiring, never stopping. Their singlets rippled, revealing rock hard abs and tanned golden skin. Their muscular arms swang as they hand balled to their partner. Connor looked so hot, his perfect face, muscular body, 8 pack. I was so in love. I scanned over the boys to find Lucas, Matt, Tyler, James and Chase training near Connor, and then Sam. Oh Sam! I thought. He had gone to kick the ball and slipped, doing a backflip and face planting onto the grass. I laughed and watched as he got up, his cheeks pink from embarrassment. The coach yelled at him, and pointed to the embankment, and Sam Trudged over, still laughing. I walked over to him, sliding down the steep hill, these shoes had no grip. I slid down and landed on my but next to him, and folded my arms.

"Still going to play for Geelong?" I teased and he gave me a whack with his elbow.

"Shut up" he muttered, but he still grinned.

I gotta admit he looked pretty hot, with his dark brown hair, spiked up at different angles, his perfect green eyes and straight, white teeth. Sam noticed me looking, and looked at me. He shuffled over, and tilted his head. I blinked once, and in that time, I felt his lips press against mine. I kissed him back, and he ran his hands through my hair. I pulled away, something was wrong. I looked over, and Connor was watching.

All I could think of was Uh Oh..

Connor's P.O.V

It was 1pm, and I was texting my mate on my phone. Something kept on distracting me, an image imprinted into my head. Tia kissing Sam. That had hit harder then I thought, so much for Tia loving me. I thought we were perfect together. She obviously didnt think the same. I sighed, and chucked my phone in my locker. It bounced back out, and I snatched it in mid air, then placed it on the shelf inside my locker. I heard a familiar voice. Sam.

I turned around, my glare as cold as ice. I walked over to him, and grabbed his shirt, and slammed him into the locker.

He tried to fight back, but I was stronger.

"You kissed my girlfriend" I accused, and punched him in the face. He raised his fist and tried to punch me back, but I blocked him. He gathered his strength, pushed my hand off of him, and landed a blow on my face.

I heard my nose crunch, and felt blood trickling.

Steaming with anger, I shoved him and pushed him down. We wrestled on the ground, each landing punches on the other.

I felt a strong hand pick me up, and hold my tie. It was Mr Sill, the sports teacher, and he didn't look happy.

I hung my head, and stood there, while he went off at the both of us. He sent me off to the principal. I walked down the hall and saw Tia. She looked at me and whispered "I only love you" and I smiled. She was impossible to stay mad at.

Meg's P.O.V

As I sat with Ellie, Sofie, Danielle and Abi, I couldn't focus on their conversation, only Tyler. He had already kicked 4 goals, and the game had only started 5 minutes ago. He seemed to be able to get them in from any angle, when other guys couldn't, or maybe that's just what I thought. I took my mind off of him and turned to my friends. Danielle was talking about James, and how she was planning to ask him out tomorrow, if he didn't. We all chatted, and after 20 minutes, the match was finished.

Our boyfriends, and in Danielle's case, James, walked up the bank. The sweat dripped off them, and they took off their singlets to cool them down. Tyler came and sat next to me, and his curly hair fell down his face. He flicked it away and stroked my cheek with his finger. I giggled, and leant in close. His body radiated heat, and he hugged me. I felt so safe in his arms, as if nothing could break me. But I was wrong.


Okay, so I've started to do P.O.V's in this chapter, I just thought it wouldn't work as well in the first.

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