Chapter 1

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Time: 5:33
Place: Nashville, TN
*Caroline's POV*
I just finished giving Tate a bath and I'm trying to get Bo to take his first shower tonight, he wants to continue with baths but he's old enough for a shower.
"Bo, come on bring some clothes in the bathroom and take your shower"
"But I don't want to" he replied with a tad of attitude.
"No shower, No hunting."
With a very long gasp and scornful stare he marched himself into the bathroom and turned the water on.
"Mommy I want to take a shower" Tate said sadly.
"Honey, you're not old enough, showers are for big boys, sooner or later you're going to have the opportunity to!" I explained hoping it would satisfy him.
"Alright" he said scooting himself off the floor and into the hallway.
"How's it going on here?" Luke asked turning the corner.
"Better than I expected, Now go over there and show your son how to take a proper shower while I go get dinner ready" I ordered playfully.
"Yes, m'am" Luke said with a devilish smile on his face.
As I walking out into the kitchen I heard Til stomping down the stairs.
"Caroline, I hate girls"
"Til, what happened sweetie?"
"I'm not sure but I asked Jill to the formal and she read the text but hasn't responded yet, should I be worried?" He said with worry in his eye and shakiness in his voice.
"No darling, Maybe she was so excited, or nervous that she didn't know what to say." I comforted.
"Yeah I guess you're right" he said with some sort of relief.
"Now go get some plates and set the table for dinner" I asked and pointed to the simple paper plates because we were doing it easy and having frozen pizza for dinner tonight.
I heard I faint knock at the door and called Luke's name out as I walked up to it.
I usually make him be there as I open it because it's either one of his colleagues or a crazed fan that some how made it past the gates.
Luke turned the corner and asked
"The door"
As he opened it a young girl no younger then 15 was standing there, brown hair and welcoming green eyes and had a crinkled up piece of paper in her hands with what looked like to be tear stains with smudged writing on it. It appears to be a letter of some sort.
"Can we help you?" Luke asked with a concerned look on his face.
"Uh yes my name is Bethany Bryan, and I'm pretty sure you're my uncle"
dun dun dun...

Hey guys i know this was short but just tell me
If you want me to continue with the story, any predictions or anything?

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