The Begining

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I began my journey when I woke up in a pitch black, lifeless room with a cold breeze coming from an old, dusty air conditioner to my left. I stood up with sweat dripping from my forehead even with the cold air. As I stood up I heard chains rattling and looked down at my hands, I was chained up. I noticed blood in between each of my fingers, it was still dripping and fresh. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and rolled up my sleeves only to find a little hole in my arm, something has been injected into me, I then noticed numbers and letters on my arm that read: "Volunteer P95" . I fell to the ground hopelessly, pushing my back into the hard metal wall behind me and scrunching my body up into a ball swaying back and forth, closing and opening my eyes hoping that it was just one of my nightmares, I soon realised it was not.

As I opened my eyes again I saw a sudden movement in the corner of my eye and heard the same rattling chain sound I had heard when I first woke up, but this time it wasn't me. I couldn't see much but a shadow. My heart started beating faster than usual, I was afraid. I tried to remember something, anything but nothing came to me. All of a sudden the ground started vibrating and it dropped down going so fast I could barely breathe properly. I tried to ignore everything and see if there was anything positive I could do in this position, my mind kept on going back to the shadow I saw earlier, maybe it was someone like me, scared, frightened and confused. I looked over to where I saw the shadow, whoever it was must have not woken up yet. The injection must have been to put us asleep.

The room, or should I say elevator had stopped falling as if it had landed on something. I tried to see if I could remove the chains from my wrists but I couldn't, I needed something, a key. Suddenly I heard a voice, I couldn't hear it clearly, it sounded something like "it's here," but I wasn't sure. Something had started opening from above me, I saw a very bright light, it was getting brighter and brighter, I covered my eyes with my bloody hands.

When the doors were fully opened I saw people, a lot of people. A man jumped down with a set of keys, he unchained the shadow, it was a girl she looked about 14. Her eyes were red and blood dripping down from her mouth and out from her nose. You could see all of her veins popping out from her skin, her skin colour was turning black, it looked like it had been burned with something. The man who had unchained her said something, he said "she's not immune, bring her to the White Room." I thought about what he said, immune? Like it was a disease he was talking about, White Room? What where these people talking about and who are these people, I had to find answers.

A few more people came down and lifted her up and walked off to somewhere, probably the white room. It seemed to be something very serious, to me it looked like she was dying. Then the man walked up to me with the set of keys and came to unchain me, he said "your the first one in a year, no signs of infection from Volunteer.." He looked at my arm then continued " P95, what's your name?" He asked. I moved back slowly and didn't say a word. All these strange people I didn't know we're staring at me with curiosity in their eyes, they were waiting for me. "My name is Frida," I said with a shaky voice. He pulled me up and asked me to climb out of the elevator. "Everyone back to your jobs!" He shouted and he brought me to a room, it was the White Room.

I saw that girl from before, she looked awful they were treating her with some needles with a green liquid inside. I sat down on a bed that he brought me to. It looked like those beds you see in a hospital. I waited impatiently with my eyes looking at every detail in the room. My eyes brought me to this tray were there were 3 needles next to the bed. Suddenly a lady walked towards me and said "this won't hurt a bit" she took one of the needles and injected it into my arm, the same arm that had already been injected with something. It hurt, I could feel the liquid slowly flowing inside me. I screamed at her "what did you inject into me!?" She replied "Nothing that concerns you." I pulled back my arm, jumped off the bed and ran as far and as fast as I could, the lady shouting "Get her!!" and she started running after me. Soon a bunch of people were chasing me.

I ran as fast as I could out of the White Room into a dark long hallway until it came to a dead end and so did I, I quickly searched for an opening or a way out, an air vent or at least a door. I finally found something a small door with writing on it, I couldn't read because the hallway was dark but I didn't really care right now of what it said I just wanted to run away so I tried to open it but with my luck it was locked.

I started feeling a bit dizzy probably because of the first needle the lady injected into me and I sat down kicking the door trying to get it open. Soon my vision begun to get blurry and I could just see shadows of about 5 people, my head hurt to much to count and then I passed out. When I woke up I had realised they brought me to another room but this time with strange machines that where attached to computers that seemed to monitor your heart, like from a hospital again, maybe this place is a hospital I wondered, but that was just another thought I didn't know anything for sure yet. They dragged me into the machine and chained me onto there, I was pushing them away but there were to many people. I screamed "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" No one answered. I looked around and saw other machines around 20 maybe more. There was someone beside me, a kid just like me with dirty blond hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a dirty white t shirt that made it look like a light grey.

The machine started up with a long 'beep' sound. A different lady from before sat next to the computer and she began writing on a note pad with a black pen. I tried to move my head to see what she was writing and what was on the computer. Abruptly a voice spoke from behind me "Stay still, it doesn't hurt as much." It was a voice of a boy with a slight British accent. I turned around to face the boy, "Who are you?" I said firmly. "Names Leon and who might you be?" He said. "It's Frida." Who is this kid, is he bad or good? Does he know where we are and what there doing to us?

I shut my mouth trying to not ask questions. Then the lady took Leon out and brought him in another room. I waited there for at least ten minutes until she came back and brought me to another room, there was no sight of Leon anywhere. "Here, this is your room." She said and closed the door and locked it. I started banging my fist a against the door, screaming "LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!!" After a few minutes of that a tough sounding female voice spoke from behind me, she said " Do you mind?" "Huh?" I said, I turned around only to find a girl.

Then all of a sudden I heard more voices of girls talking about who knows what. The girls appears in front of me. She had short black hair on the right side of her head and blonde hair on the left side of her head. She wore long jeans with a red shirt. "So newbie what your name?" She asked. "Frida, my name's Frida." "Nice name, mine's Georgia but you can call me Geo." She replied. I ignored her and didn't say a word after that, I walked around, still confused. I found a few bunk beds and I lay down on one of the bottom bunks staring at the bottom of the bunk on top of me. I closed my eyes and I wondered what they were doing to Leon, it felt like I knew him but I just couldn't remember but the feeling felt so strong.

One of the girls woke me up from my thoughts, she asked what I remembered and what happened to me before they threw me into this room. I said to her they put me on some machine and there was a room called the White Room. When I said White Room it looked like she knew what I was talking about. She remained silent and moved away. Then I lay back on the bed and tried to rest again. After about half an hour my eyes finally begin to close and I slept.

I dreamt of the the girl that came down in the elevator with me. Her eyes bleeding and red she came up to me and pointed to the ceiling and said " two across, four back wards. Two across, four backwards." It seemed so real but I knew it wasn't. I suddenly got woken up by a noise, it had only seemed like I was sleeping for 5 minutes but when I looked at the clock on the wall I had actually been sleeping for around an hour. I got off the bunk to see what the noise was, I saw everyone staring at the door and they all were whispering to each other. Their faces all looked shocked, some surprised and some relieved. Someone from the outside was unlocking the door. We all waited, but it looked like they were struggling to open the door as if they had used the wrong key.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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