10 minutes passed and the man in the black shirt had almost completed the contracts to buy me. "She's a good one, I mean she's really fit which will be good for my purpose, and she's quite small as well so she'll be very easy to control" I overheard the man in the black shirt telling Dr Victoria. "Now Simon, because she gets very scared very easily, you might consider anesthetic. It will react within 2 minutes and will last about 24 hours. Do you think you would consider this?" Victoria asked 'Simon'.
"Yeah, umm, how much will this cost?"
"$55" answered Victoria.
"I'll buy it"said Simon and started approaching me.
"Please leave me alone" I tried to sound brave but it came out as a squeak.
"The jab, Victoria" said Simon. I felt a sharp stab of pain in my arm and whimpered. I hate injections! The room started to go black. "I want to go home" I whispered, before drifting into a deep sleep.

Taken by Chance
FanfictionHave you ever felt unwanted? Or maybe you haven't lived up to everyone else's expectations? Well, I have. Darcy Red is an 18 year old girl, who, as a child was abused by her parents, and still is. Darcy gets a lot of hate on Twitter for no reason. S...