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This is something special and I dedicate this part to you my star.

Last night it was way more best worthy night coz you happened my star and became fallible attention of mine, that I am going to give more attention on each decisions certainty you have every answer to my situation holding beautifully and you present them meaningfully. I want you to be my special star whose light could definitely shine my darkest hour. Wish I could touch you and feel the sensation of shiny star. I have gone through your each poem & you actually had written all that sentences by just putting your heart out of cavity shell. You have got strength to accumulate silos of physical and mental pressures. You temper the emotional affects where I was cower at a dark corner. Even if I get miracle chance to born in this world like one million times, I couldn't pay you back all this memories and love you gave me in just a single moment means so much to my life.

Thank you

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