Chpt. 1

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Oh btw guys Thats Melody there so if u wanna imagine her another way thats fine :) I am not doing the prologue because honestly its a waste of time for me. Enjoy!

"Get a step on it!" her dad screamed from the hall. Tears fallen from my eyes and when I looked in the mirror all I am is a heap of disgust. 'Shut up' I thought. 'Now young lady you dont tell me to shut up you hear me!' Thats that, I forgot about the mind link.

'Sure as hell you did!' I scowled and blocked him out. "What the Frick?!" I yelled as claws raked my back. What the heck. The fuzzy scrap stuck to my back and I scowled. "Seriously Pumpkin?" all was heard was a meow as Pumpkin crawled to her shoulder. Yes Pumpkin is my kitten. A mew of protest sounded from her as I threw a rag over my other shoulder and started to clean the dishes.

I rolled my eyes and tryed not to barf. My dad walked in holding a beer bottle that was empty. He swayed side to side and he was ragged and dirty. Ever since my mom, his mate, passed away he was heartless. Never thought of anyone but himself, he always thought he was the only one in the world that suffered.

Pumpkin just simply sat on my shoulder but I could sense the fear. Yep, he was drunk. Oh no. He was laughing historically and he then smashed a beer bottle on the ground. "Pick that up" he sneered. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. I picked up the glass shards as he snickered and laughed. I wanted to slap him so badly.

"Make me breakfast." he demanded.

"Hold on I just got to get-" I was cut off as he threw a punch to my face. I cradled my cheek softly and he kicked my stomach. That was it. I was running away.


It was dark out and her dad was passed out in his room. I grabbed my bags that I packed earlier and picked up Pumpkin. Heck I wasn't leaving her with this crazy man. I slowly opened the house window. Crack! The wooden rims cracked and struggled to hold on. I cringed and the snoring from her dad stopped for a second before it went again.

I let out a breath and Pumpkin moved around in my carriage I made for her. I jumped out the window and softly landed just five feet below. Oh yea. I forgot. The barriers will be hard to get through. Pumpkin squeaked when I started to run. A tree raked my back and I held back a scream. Soon the pain was just a numbness and I sighed relief.

Wolves were around the border and I sighed. Looking around I spotted a tree and slowly climbed up the chippy barked trunk. I thought for a moment if I should change to my wolf but then they could see me because my fur is all white and when the moon shines it glows blue.

Wiping that idea off my mind I climbed to the top of the tree and swung tree to tree until I was over the border. Pumpkin mewed and I mentally face palmed. The warrior wolves looked around and started to scatter around the area. This was my chance! I crawled down the tree and slowly yet fastly tiptoed away. I his behind a bush hoping no one could see me. A warrior wolf sniffed the air and his eyes darted to the bush she was behind.

I tried to blend in as best I could as the wolf neared. He sniffed the air and headed closer. I held in a breath and squeezed my eyes shut. Soon the footsteps grew further away and I opened my eyes. I let out the breath I held in and slowly tip toed away from the border. That was so close. My feet crunched in the snow and my heart dropped for a second. I was a Lyci. Roughs would try to get there hands on me.

But what if one of them was my mate? I shuddered. He would most likely use me as a weapon and beat me up like my dad. I had all my hopes my mate wasn't a rough. As I strayed into the woods I started to get chilly so I his behind a tree and took of my clothes. Wrong idea. So so so cold. I shifted into my wolf as fast I could and enjoyed the way my bones shifted.

My fur instantly brought warmth to my skin and I sighed in relief. I held my bag in my jaw and headed deeper into the woods.


I had found shelter for the night and gave a sigh of relief. It was a little ledge and a big indent in the ground with tree hanging over for shelter. I settled down in the little indent and my wolf let out a grumpy noise.



'I know when something's wrong'

'Go away'

I sighed wondering what was bothering her. A strong smell fast forwarded to my nose and I let out a cry as I felt sharp wolf claws in into my back.

Everything faded, and I was left out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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