Hanging out

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"chapter 2"


------next day-----

"Hey Brayley do you wanna hang out today?" Kenny said as he was making coffee and I sat down at the bar stool.

"Sure what do you wanna do?" I said resting my head on the counter.

"Netflix and Chill?" He asked in the most innocent way possible.

"Kenny!" I snapped my head up in shock of what he was suggesting.

"Alright alright I'm sorry I'll stop." he said giggling which was adorable af.

"But seriously what do you wanna do." I said getting up from my stool and walking over to him. 

" Watch movies all day?" he said more of a question than an answer.

"Yeah sure." I said kissing his cheek and making my way up stairs to look somewhat alive than a zombie than I already am.

I went into my room and took a shower and put my hello kitty pajama pants and a white tank top on.

I put my dirty clothes into my full hamper and went back down stairs to hang out with Kenny.

"Hey Cutie, ready for the movie day, love those hello kitty pajama pants  by the way. Total on fleek!"

 I blushed and sat next to him, he put his arm around me and he snugged up close to me. I felt a little weird being so close to Kenny. We only met yesterday I mean we know a lot about each other but we are not close so it's a little weird.

---6 hour's---

after watching Mean Girls, Grease, and If I Stay and Kenny not trying to cry when she goes into a coma which was kinda of funny because it wasn't that sad because The Fault In Our Stars made me cry because that shit made me cry a river to Omaha to L.A 

"Alright three down and so much more to go." Kenny said getting up from his spot and putting in other movie. 

"Hey guys we are back!" Nate said coming though the front door with Gilinsky and Sammy following behind. 

"Heyy when did you guys even leave." I asked standing up and hugging Nate.

"We left right when you and Kenny starting singing 'Summer Lovin"." Sammy said laughing.

"Well then don't listen to our off key singing you little jerk." I said laughing and giving him a hug.

"Your singing was perfect don't put youraself down." He whisphered in my ear which is making me melt

"Thanks." I whisphered back and kissed his cheek.

"Kenny we gotta head to the studio." Gilinsky said while looking at his phone.

"Okay, sorry Brayley we gotta cut our movie day short." He said getting off of the floor and walking over to us.

"Its no big deal things happen." I said hugging him.

"Alright let's head out." Nate said walking to the door.

"Have fun buy not to much......Nate." I said as the boys laughed at my remark about Nate.

"It's not like I'm gonna do anything stupid Lil mama." He said smirking.

"Shut up Skathan." I said playfully hitting the back of his head.

"Be safe Brayley."

Sammy POV

Me and the boys headed to the car blasting rap music out of the speakers and beging normal teenage boys we are.

"Hey Nate turn the music down." Gilinsky yelled over the loud music.
Nate lowered the music.

"Yeah G." Nate said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Umm there is this party that this girl named Madison is throughing she said I can invite who ever I want." G said.

"That's cool G we should go." Kenny said while smiling.

" Yeah do you mind if Bradley comes with." G said, but I can see the pleading in his dark brown eyes. Does he like her?

"I don't know I don't want to babysit her." Nate said pulling up to the studio.

"She is a big girl and a tough one she can handle herself." G said with a smirk. What is he up to?

" I guess if she wants to." Nate said as we are getting out of the car.

"The only thing is that it's a costume party mask but nothing scary we still have to dress to impress." G said. This boy has to be up to something

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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