Deaths Apprentice

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I was sitting on the couch watching a belief after death documentary when my mom asked me to grab her some pain killers for her aching chest. Hmm, that was odd. But ok. I walked over, grabbed the pills, poured her a glass of water, and brought it down to where she was sitting. She swallowed them and a couple minutes later she was still. Aww. She’s sleeping. Precious.

After being tranced by the documentary I began to get drowsy. After all it was almost midnight. I looked over at my mom and she was still sleeping. I put my head back onto the pillow and imagined a figure appearing in front of me, then vanishing. I then imagined hearing someone upstairs and their loud footsteps gliding down the steps being. I looked at my mom as the creature reached the bottom of the steps. Her body had a tinge of glow to it. The creature was now climbing down the second flight of stairs towards our den in which I was sitting. I was internally freaking out in my head and I am pretty sure that the creature knew it too. It looked at me as though I was insane. I walked slowly towards my mother. Her body seemed as though it was being lifted towards the sky. As if her soul, a transparent sheet, was watching me as tears streamed down my cheeks.

I looked at the creatcher. Its hooded figure turned towards me. I couldn’t see its face but I knew it was smirking. I thought about calling my dad who was probably driving back form a meeting. No, I can deal with this until he arrives. Then it hit me as if someone had punched me in the jaw. Is my mom dying? What will happen to us? I love my dad but his job alone cant keep up with my brother and my nessities. Will we need child services? Will my dad cope with my moms death? Will he not be able to live in agony? Will he end his pain and leave my brother and I to fend for ourselves?

My dad walked in the door and the hooded figure vaporised. Had I imagined the whole thing? Had I willed for the hooded figure to appear? By imaging these events is it going to come back to finish the job? Oh no! have I just single handedly ripped my family apart?!

I started trying to numb my mind, deep breaths, its not real, you were just imajining it. My dad looked at me.

“Are you alright?”

“ya dad im fin”

“You look like you just saw a ghost” he chuckled

“Dad please don’t laugh” I chocked as tears poured down my cheaks.

“Evan, whats the matter” dad replyed sounding really worried.

“Im going to get your mother so we can talk about this together … where is she?”

“shes on the couch dad, god how could you not see her”

“Um… no shes not Evan, shes probably in her room reading another of those romance novels. Sigh”

I spun around to see an empty couch just as my dad had described. How could she not be there! She was just there! Just a second ago! Then it hit me. Oh No. I sprinted up the stairs feeling a chill go down my spin, I looked around the kitchen then up another flight of stairs. “MOM” are you there??” Mom this is not funny!” Where the fuck are you”! I was balling my eyes out as my dad patted me on the shoulder.

“even calm down she probably went for a walk or something”

But I knew from that moment on that she was gone … my mom … gone. The hooded figure had taken her and it was entirely my fault.


So this is chaper one I need at least 30 votes for me to continue. I need to actually know that people are reading this stuff ... and If you like it, feed back fuels my confidence ergo making my stories better ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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