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Chapter 19
HEY GUYS!!!!! Sorry I didn't update like I said, I needed to catch up on my YouTube videos... literally had 20-30 videos. (I watch my YouTube) Oh, and thanks mom for watching all your murder shows so I know what the questioning room would look like! XD Also the beginning of this book is, same title, but by TheWriteWay13! Thanks!

Nick's POV
Before they leave they have a lady bandage my hand. It hurts like shrimp, but I ignore the pain and carry on, the blood still trickling down.
They take me into a dark room. There's a bit of light, but not too much. One of the cops left and grabbed an investigator, then left. The two men pull out a chair for themselves and then seat. The investigator gestures for me to sit down, so I do as I am told. Once I sit down the investigator speaks in a low voice.
"I'm Detective Hayes, now I know this must be hard for you, we know you cared a lot for Cora."
I didn't know what I was doing, I had planned this whole way up I deserved punishment. But then I thought about how I could be sentenced for death.
"Yeah... yeah it is..." I think about everything that has happened. A tear slips from my cheek and onto the table in front of us.
"Are you alright with us starting the investigation now, or would you like us to give you a moment to mourn?"
"Cora's not dead, not yet anyways. The doctors told me she might not make it, but it's possible."
"But I do want a moment..." a tear slides once again. "If that is okay."
"Of course" They both walk out of the room and leave me in the dim light.
This leads me to thinking about Cora. Her limp body... the pool of blood. It was my doing. I knew that, but yet I've decided to lie about it. Why? They will figure out it was me. They're the cops. They will. Eventually or soon, they will. And I'll be sentenced to death. But who cares, right? It's not like anyone would care. No one would. I've made too many mistakes... no one can help me.
"No one.." I whisper outloud, a sob escaping.

"If you lied, and made it out, it's possible you could go get the one girl who was obsessed with you and keep up the secret. You could later marry her and have a good life."
I look up to see Dylan standing above me. I think about what he's said. It could work...
"Okay, but what if Cora wakes up, what do I do? She'll tell everything."
"We'll plant some of the drugs you use, in HER dresser. They'll think she's crazy. We'll show them the bite you got, say she did it, which she did." He explains the whole plan. "And now here you are."
"Oka-" the door opens and the two men enter.
"Who were you talking to?" They sit down on the chairs and wait for an answer.
"I was talking to myself... it helps calm me down."
"Okay..." the cop wearily answers. The investigator looks at me and explains.
"We're going to ask questions now, and you have to be honest and make no false statements, otherwise you are commiting a minor crime, and consequences will follow, especially in this case. Now, tell me your side of the story from that night you were having dinner."

"For years I've been noticing things thrown around, the house a mess... I was scared for myself and her health... I left the house everyday and through the morning, because I was scared... so scared... she was going to kill me... That night I knew she was getting worse... considering Jake came back, and she once loved him. We were all eating... and out of no where she jumped up and.... and shot Jake. I can't remember what went through my head... i guess i probably... I didn't want her shooting me... so.. I tackled her and grabbed the gun, but before I got it she bit my hand." I lift my hand above and onto the table. "I-I grabbed the gun... and I shot her... multiple times..."
"Are you saying this was self defense?"
"Yes... it was. But I wish I wouldn't have.. I would rather die than have her die... now she's in the hospital..."
"And what about this... this health thing you're talking about? Did she use drugs?"
"Yes, sir. She did them annually. Almost every night... I think. I'm not sure, but it felt like it with her moods. She almost always hid it in her dresser... or mine."
They questioned me for hours. Re-asking everything. Finally they left me in the room for about an hour. I sat and cried, but did my best not to show any signs of guilt. They may have cameras. After the hour is up, Detective Hayes walks in the room. He has a stack of papers in his hands and he looks me straight in the eye and says, "All of your information adds up, you're free to go."
I'm shocked that my story worked, it added up? Haha!
I start "crying" and happily yet carefully say, "Thank you, sir." Detective Hayes leads me out the door and into a car, which he explains will take me to the hospital to see Cora and Jake, well, Cora. When we arrive I ask the lady if I can visit and she presses a button and this door opens. I walk into the hallway, looking for the door number 120. I finally find it and enter the room.
I see Cora lying in bed, her stiff body barely breathing.
"She's breathing..." I whisper, then say louder. "She's breathing!" I ran over to her side and grab a seat, sitting next to her.
She's breathing... I didn't kill her... she'll be okay... she's okay. Shea not dead... Oh my...
Tears fall down my cheeks, but I wipe them away and stay strong. Suddenly her hand jerks slightly. I jerk my head up and see her eyes flutter open. I can see pain in her eyes, and then she sees me. She tears her hand away and screams, screaming and screaming.
"Get out! Get out!" She screams it over and over, tears falling down her cheeks. A nurse rushes in and regestures the situation. She looks at me and says, "Please go into the waiting room sir."
"Jake?! Where's Jake? Oh my..." Her voice softens as she speaks, sobs interrupt her sentence from time to time. "He shot him... he shot him..." she looks at me and screams. "You could've killed him!" She struggles as nurses try to pin her down, restrictions her from strangling me. Another nurse walks in and asks again, "Please sir, go in the waiting room!" I shake my head, reality rushing back. I jerk forward and into the hall, feeling dizzy and confused for what just happened.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, I'm doing a contest for Him! Whoever wants a character they created to be in my story, comment on post explaining the contest! There you'll find rules and exactly what it is!
Stay strong, live life, peace out

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