Rise of the Dalon. Part 8. (Not copy edited yet)

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Balor found himself again flat on the floor face down, embarrassingly undignified and if he was not so hungry and if his back would just stop aching for a second he might have cared enough to continue complaining. Lolloping along for so long, arched over, was not doing it any good. Not that Rook would have listened, he just kept going. Balors only relief was when he was face down on the ground, then even his shin splints would reduce to just a dull ache.

Once they had left Cral and the others, Rook had moved off relentlessly. Balor had tried to pick up on the signs that Rook took in in an instant, but soon found that every effort was going to have to be put in to keeping moving. They had made great progress passing the abandoned forts. Rook saw the evidence of a fight at the forts that bordered the south road and quickly he took them east and then north, having not liked what he had seen, then back towards Williams hall. At the first sign of trouble they would go east and north again until they found someone, but for now they headed for the hall and hoped someone was still there.

So much stopping, crouching, listning and crawling had made the journey endless, and night had fallen when Balor finally recognised his own ward, and in the distance the black mass that was Farnbreth. It had been some time since Rook had seen any sign of anything or anyone and although he moved with more ease he would not rest until he reached Williams hall, which now lay only a few fields away. The empty homes they passed had concerned them both but there had been no sign of a fight, only of a hurried departure. No south men had been this far that was for sure. Rook crossed a lane and climbed an embankment topped by a thick hedge, Balor followed on behind. Balor slumped down beside his friend as Rook listened and strained his eyes in an effort to pierce the dark. Satisfied Rook glanced across at the sorry sight that was Balor.

"You've done well today," Rook said with all sincerity.

Balor heard no mocking tone and immediately felt embarrassed and full of pride at the same time. "thanks" He managed to say and rolled over to look out through the hedge across to were the roof of Williams hall could now be seen.

"You deserve it" Rook whispered "had people complain less, a lot less but none that have kept up this long".

Balor was going to defend himself, when Rook shot up a hand and pointed up to Williams roof, where a silhouette of a person could be seen against the night sky,

"Must be ours" Balor suggested,

"Could be" whispered Rook,

Just then a sound came from behind them, even Balor heard it but neither could see what it was.

"Through the hedge" Rook Hissed.

Easier said than done, but close to the ground the hedge had thinned and Rook was through with little effort. Balor went though just as quickly but with all the effort and strength he could muster, pulling himself through a gap far too small, and receiving cuts and grazes all the way down his back for it. Amazed he had made it through, he rolled back to Rook and without a sign, remained absolutely still. Rook was quietly amazed at Balors route through, and a little concerned about the noise, but he could see nothing. Whatever was moving down the lane was still coming, and if they had heard anything they would have stopped. They both waited, hardly daring to breath but they did not have to wait for long. Out of the darkness came creatures from legend, two either side of the road. Huge lizard like beasts, with arched backs, came striding into sight. It was clear that they had not seen or heard them squeeze through the hedge, but as they came parallel to Rook and Balors hiding place they stopped and the leading beast let out a low grumble. Rook could not believe his eyes, never before had he seen such things, but it explained the tracks. Balor was massive, but these were huge creatures and they knew what they were doing. Rook felt sweat trickle down his forehead as he turned to Balor. He found Balor looking straight at him; they began to move back from the hedge staying flat on their bellies.

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