Ferretlp with Darzik

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 The Wolf Mage by Ferretlp; Main Character- Darzik

From Main Character POV--

1) What's your name?


2) What story do you appear in?

The Wolf Mage

3) Who do you currently (as of this moment) love?  Why?

Love? What is this... love?

4)Who do you currently (as of this moment) hate? Why?

The goddess of Light, she ruins all our fun -_-;

5) Who would you consider your 'idol' or 'role model'?

I'm my own person, the actions of another made long ago will not affect the ones I make now.

6) If you had to pick 2 words to describe yourself, what would it be?

Amazing and all powerful (but don't tell anyone *shifty eyes*)

7) If you were given a choice between jumping into a sea of man-eating sharks or jumping into a pit of fire, what would you pick?

Fire. Sharks smell like fish. Of all the things I would experience in either death, I do not want fish-smell to be one of them O_O

8) Favorite food (if you don't have one, make one up)?

Coffee... does that count?

9) Pick one magical power to have.

I already have plenty of magic, but if anything I would like to fly. No, I can't fly... yet....

10) Naturally, would you pick, Truth or Dare?

Truth. I could just lie about it and sit around while everybody else flails about like air drowned fish.


For the author--

1) Username?


2) What would you do if you met your main character in reality?

Ask him why he is planning on destroying the world... then ask him politely if he could stop...then beg for my life.

3) Which character in all your books, would you choose to meet in reality?

Acerbus in Nightfall's Spire. He's a bit eccentric, but incredibly intelligent and I think I could strike up some nice conversation with him.

4) If you had to base your book off of ONE book, what book would it be?

No idea...

5) Favorite book series? Or book?

A tie between The Mistborn Trilogy, the Way of Kings, The Night Angel Trilogy, the first two Dragonlance trilogies, and the Black Prism.

6) Favorite Author?

A tie between Brandon Sanderson, Margaret Weis, and Brent Weeks.

7) Favorite character in YOUR story?

Laevis O_O

8) If you had to describe your story in 2 words, what would it be?

Original and Interesting.

9) Do you write your characters based off of people you know (like their personalities)?

No, never.

10) Harry Potter or Twilight ( I know, common question, I'm just curious-- if you haven't read any of them then skip this question )?

Is that even a question? I haven't even read much of either and I KNOW Harry Potter is better written by at least tenfold compared to Twilight.

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