Name Emily
Race Doll
Gender Female
Hair Brown
Professional Status
Affiliation Pandora
Personal Status
Status Alive
Current None
First Appearance
Manga Debut Retrace II: Tempest of Conviction
Anime Debut Pandora Hearts Episode 2: Tempest of Conviction
Japanese Voice Akira Ishida
Emily (エミリー Emiri) is Xerxes Break's doll. Most of the time it appears as though Break uses ventriloquism to give her the illusion of a voice, as he covers or otherwise obscures his mouth when she 'speaks'. Break's hiding his mouth is much less common in the manga then in the anime, and it is unknown whether or not the doll talks on her own in the manga.
Abilities and Powers
Talking: Emily apparently has the ability to speak on her own, though this is likely caused by Break acting as a ventriloquist.
"Stupid rabbit! Stupid rabbit! Stupid rabbit!"
"Ehh! Why me?!"
"Unlike some STUPID rabbit..."
"Just a useless glutton as usual."
"What about me? Am I air, too?"
"Hello, brat!"
"Are you disappointed that Break isn't here this time!? Kekeke!"
Xerxes Break (Wiki information)^Pandora Hearts^
RandomIm creating this thing for people who 1. Don't know who Break is. 2. Haven't watched Pandora hearts which in my option is one of the best animes out there its such a shame it is hardly known about and such a small Fandom That is why one reason I cre...