Chapter 1: Love Child

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My mom had told me it was love at first sight. She was a waitress at a restaurant in Berlin and my dad had come to the restaurant with a few colleagues for a celebration. My mom was assigned to their table. They dated for a month or so, and then they really "hit it off."

When my mom found out she was pregnant, she told my dad in hopes that it would make him want to marry her. My dad did the exact opposite and dumped her. He said he didn’t have the time for a pregnant girlfriend. My mom never believed in abortion, but because she loved my dad so much, she told him that she would abort. All she wanted was my dad to stay with her. He was the only person she could hold on to. But my dad still left her. 

So, I was born on March 16th of 1989; a love child. I don't even know why they call us that if our parents end up leaving each other. Some love...

My mom was left to care for me on her own. Because she was a single mother, without an education or anyone to support her, my mom had no choice but to have undignified jobs. She worked as a bartender in different nightclubs. She said she hated it, but did it for me. What an uncanny way of making me feel guilty for her own mistake.

I barely remember what my mom looked like, but I looked more like her than my dad. The only things I had inherited from him, were my long fingers and defined nose. My fair skin, chocolate brown hair, and big hazel eyes were all from her.

If you asked me if I loved my mom, I couldn’t give you a straight answer because I never got to know her. She was the type of mom who only did the necessary things for her child. She didn’t show much affection towards me or show any enthusiasm in having me around.

Eventually, my mom got tired. When I was nine years old, she held me by the hand and took me to the police station. She sat me down, and talked to one of the ladies behind the desk. The lady eyed me briefly as my mom whispered to her, then handed her a clipboard with some papers.

My mom sat next to me and filled some spaces out. I sat patiently and waited for her to finish up. She gave the papers to the lady behind the desk, and then quickly left out the front door. I got up to follow her, but the lady told me to sit down. "She'll be back" she said. My mom never came back.

Foster care wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Some foster parents were better than others, but for the most part they were all the same. 

When I was twelve, a man grew interested in adopting me. His name was Gustav Adler. But I called him Mr. Adler out of respect. He scared me at first. He was tall and thin with a bald spot. He had a long hooked nose and hazy blue eyes. According to the agency however, his record was clean, and he was a respectable man with a degree in human physiology. That relieved me a bit. 

After living with Mr. Adler for a while, he proved to be a decent parent. He didn't put much effort into bonding with me, but he didn't beat or starve me so I was fine.  Because of his job, we moved a lot around Germany.

School was the hard part. Because I was a mix of four races, I was always bullied. My dad was half German half American, and my mom was half Russian half Turk. So you can imagine what I went through. Being ugly didn’t help either. In primary school, all the girls spread nasty rumors about me and I was pretty much avoided by everyone. The boys threw things at me and called me an ugly foreigner.  Because of this, I found refuge in studying. Instead of playing with friends, I stayed indoors and did homework. I wanted to be somebody when I grew up, and I didn’t want to be a bartender like my mom.

All that studying paid off, and at the end of 4th grade, I achieved placement in a Gymnasium*. I was very excited and wondered if the students would be any different.

Turns out, I was wrong. I got bullied the most in 5th and 6th grade. I developed earlier than most kids my age, and got acne.

When I started 8th grade, my acne was gone but the bullying pretty much stayed the same.

When Mr. Adler told me that we would be moving to Loitsche, Magdeburg, I didn’t have much of a reaction. To me, it was the same as moving to any other city. I packed my few belongings as usual.

 I expected to go to another gymnasium, get bullied for the being the ugly foreign new girl, and spend my sunny afternoons studying.

But I was wrong. I didn’t know it yet, but moving to Loitsche was a turning point in my life. Nothing would be the same.


Hello again everybody!!! Here the first Chapter of my Bill Kaulitz love story:) I know its short, but the ones to come will be longer, I promise X) I hope it doesn't sound too bland, but please remember that this girl hasn't had much sunshine in her life. So, keep reading! That sunshine is about to come! 

As for the cast, obviously Bill and Tom will play themselves:) I chose Kevin Costner as Mr. Adler, but I'm not sure if he's the right guy. If you have a suggestion please let me know! As for the main character, I'm thinking about Hilary Duff or Jennifer Connelly. Please tell me what you guys think! Either through comments or email : I'd love to hear from you! 

PS The song for this chapter is "Outside Looking In" By Jordan Pruitt. 

* Gymnasium: In the German education system, the Gymnasium is a type of secondary school that has a strong emphasis on academics, and is a prep school for university. At the end of primary school, students have to apply and get accepted into such a school. 

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