The Pond

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I looked deep into the pond and saw

So many different things

Alive and happy

Colourful and free

From afar it looked calm and sill

But closer it was busy

They were surviving;

Plants growing high

To get the best light

Bees linger around them

Working for the hive

Fish swim below

Searching for an aimless goal

The colours stand out

Bright and vivid

Attracting life to the pond

Animals arrive and start their lives

Striving to survive

A micro-biome;

The pond its own society

There's a world in there

With good and bad

Though more subtle then in the real world

I looked deep into the pond and saw

All this and more

It reflected myself and I thought

In the pond I can see my soul

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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