the prince

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"Honey, time to wake up!"

I rolled over and covered my head with the pillow. I was too tired for school. I was too tired for anything. It was six o'clock in the morning for Christ's sake. How the hell was I expected to be fully functional when the sun was too lazy to even get up this early? It was insanity.

"Honey!" her voice came again. I groaned. 'Honey' didn't want to get up now. 'Honey' was too tired to go to school. 'Honey' would like to tell you to go to hell.

"Honey! Are you up?" came that voice again.

"Yeah!" I called. Go to hell you damn morning person.

Groggily, I rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor, tangled up in my sheets. I kicked my legs free and stumbled over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a blackHollywood Undead t-shirt off their hangers. I got changed and went into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and splashed some cold water on my tan and exhausted looking face. I winced as I brutally pulled my brush through my dark curls. Once my hair was presentable I outlined my baby blues in dark eyeliner. After that I shuffled back into my room and shoved my feet into my converse and slung my bag over one shoulder. I glanced at my digital clock and realized I was running late.

I ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time.I skidded into the kitchen and, as expected, my mom, dad, and older brothers were in the kitchen. My mom was cleaning up the counter from making breakfast and my dad was flipping through the paper. Jake and Ken were scarfing down eggs at the table. Boys, they eat so much. It was miracle my parents and I hadn't starved to death.

"Morning Becky," Jake said smugly. He knew I hated that nickname.

"Don't make me snap your neck," I threatened.

"You know for an emo you inflict more pain on others then yourself," Jake muttered.

"Jake," my mom rebuked.

I snickered; suck on that pretty boy. 

"Honey, do you want any eggs?" my mom asked.

"No, I'm going to Kate's house . . . I'll eat there," I said.

"Alright," my mother said, "Will you being going to the Kardigan's after school too?"

"Assuming that today is like every other day, yes" I said. Seriously though; I went over Kate's house everyday, why would today be any different? Was the pope coming by for tea?

"Well make sure you and Kate actually get your homework done instead of goofing off all afternoon," my mom said.

"We will. You know Kate's like a genius," I reminded her.

"That's not all she is," Jake said, smirking as Ken snickered.

"Stay away from my freinds," I snapped.

"You know it's a mystery to me why the hottest girl in school is best friends with you," Jake said.

"You know what else is a mystery" I retorted, "How you can get dressed in the morning."

"Children, stop fighting. Now, Jake, leave your sister alone and eat your breakfast. You're gonna be late. And Becca, you get going. And tell Mrs. Kardigan I said hi," my mom told us.

"Okay" I said "Bye."

I walked out the front door and began the walk to the Kardigans house. It was a little cold out, but perfectly typical for October in New York. People waved to me as they passed me on the street and I waved back, sometimes. Some people didn't deserve a wave. It didn't take me long to reach the Kardigans humongous house. Seriously though, it was freakin' massive. The Kardigan's were mad rich, like legit. They're house looked like it came straight off one of those home decorator magazines, what with it's greek columns and white stone it looked like it belonged next door to the Parthenon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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