
17 4 2

I sat in the air conditioned room and burried my hands into my sweater pocket.The door creaked open and my psychiatrist ,Dr.Monroe entered.

He sat behind his huge mahogony desk and placed his mug of coffee beside him.

"How are you today Zoe?"

"I'm fine."I mumbled.

"Have you eaten today?"

"Yes I have."

"Great,"He answered smiling.He took out a notepad from his drawer and clicked down on his pen.

"Alright shall we begin?"

I sighed,"Sure"I mumbled clearly uninterested.

"I assume that you went to school today?"

I nodded,not bothering to speak.

"How was it?" I shrugged,"Same old same old."

"Did bullying occur today?" I would have lied,but GOD knows how well I tried to be honest.

I lost all eye contact with him and stared at my sweater playing with the little pieces of yarn that were exposed.

He shook his head and sighed."Zoe will you ever learn to ignore your bullies will you ever do it?"His voice raised an octave too high.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes but I kept them in."You don't understand,"I said to him."It's hard to ignore them,its freaking difficult,especially when it's about something so stupid that happened years ago!"I stood up the tears were falling now,but I didn't even care.

"Is it so hard to ask for a normal life,is it so damn hard!?All people ever do is bring me down,tell me how stupid I am,but you know what?Others say I should ignore them,they'll stop."I chuckled "Yeah right.It's not easy to ignore them especially if it affects me everyday."

I kneeled down on the carpeted floor,sobbing like a little child.It wasn't fair it really wasn't.

Dr.Monroe sighed."Zoe let's call it a day."

This is what my therapy sessions were like,all the time.I wasn't insane,I definitely wasn't,I was just hurt,I felt like someone stabbed me in the back,and i got bullied for it every single day...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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