The Photographer (A Liam Payne Fanfiction)

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Chapter 1

I woke up at 8:30 A.M.because my mom

was knocking on my door like crazy!

"Marie-Grace wake up!"

"I'm coming,geez!"

"remember today you're going to the

studio with your uncle Simon"

Yes,I know what you're thinking might

probably be:" mean THE

Simon Cowell!!!!!!!!"

yes,Simon Cowell is my uncle.

I'll tell you a bit about me:

Name:Marie-Grace Sams

Nickname:Marie or Mimi.

Age:17 years old.

Lives in:London,England.

Likes:Photography,football(or as Americans

call it Soccer),and skateboarding.

"Marie,hurry up!your uncle is almost here!"

"Jesuschrist,coming be patient people,I'm

not flash!"

I went to take a shower, after I was done I dressed in this:a White T-Shirt,

pink skinny jeans,pink beanie,my camera,and my bag(ps:I always take

my camera with me).and went downstairs.

"Hey Mimi!"said my uncle

"Not much.and by the way I hate that nickname

and you know it!!"

"sorry Miss.Grumpy.anyways,are you ready?"


"lets go then"

"bye mom"

*in Simons car*

"So........what am I going to do in the studio?"

"well,you're going to help me out with somethings"

"like what?"

" my asisstant is sick so you could cover her"

" oh..okay..that's pretty cool"

Actually I was hoping for something better.

Chapter 2

"we're here" said my uncle,pulling up to the parking

lot of a giant building .

"Jellybeans with Hot Sauce! It is huge!"

"I know,I know" he simply stated

We got out of the car and into the building.

We took the elevator till floor 17.

#Liam's POV#(didn't see that coming right? :p)

We were waiting for Simon to get here,so that we could begin the Photoshoot.

"I'm hungryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Niall shout.

"When you're not" said Zayn

we all if right on cue the door opened and in came

Simon and a girl behind him.

"Hello boys"said Simon

"Hey"said Louis

"Boys this is my niece Marie-Grace.she will be covering my

asisstant today"said Simon.

I looked at the girl.and.Holy Shit!she is gorgeus.

" hi" she said giving us a shy smile.

"hello"said Harry

she smiled at us before turning to Simon

"what shall I do then?"she asked

"well,you could help me with-"

Simon was cutoff by his cellphone ringing

"wait a sec. guys". He said before answering



So what do u think so far my flowers?do u like it?

Do u have any predictions on who called Simon?if so let me know by leaving a comment.

Another thing, I want to apologize because it's so short.

And last but not least:The Question of the Day is:

Wich is your favorite dance move by the lads of 1D?

Mine Is:Screw the lightbulb,pat the dog,and then just go crazy.


A/N:I will update soon I promise,but till then this is it

sooooooo.question of the week:what is your favorite saying by the guys of 1D?

Plz guys comment what u think will

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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