Poor Girl...

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■ Z A C H A R Y ■
"Zachary! Honey! You're going to be late for the bus!"
Mrs . Dreemurr shouted to her son. She saw the bus all the way down at another stop. "I'M COMING!" Zachary ran downstairs, grabbing his bag and running his hands through his hazel hair, grabbing a close shirt from the closet with out even looking. He put on his jeans, grabbed his bag and ran out to the bus stop. He then noticed he was wearing an old blue and black flannel. "God dammit. I hate this stupid shirt." But the blue from the jeans and flannel looked good with his hair. He grunted and waited for the bus. Trying to also not think about the incident this morning.

● M A C Y ●
she ran her hands through her hair making sure it was smooth and in the right places. She wore a dress with music notes on it, with black tights and black combat boots. , "first day Macy don't mess this shit up." She took a deep breath opened the door and walked to the bus stop.

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