Chapter Three~ Dana

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Dana was not happy with my new look.

"You look like a tramp." she commented after math class.

"Doesn't everyone at this school?" I giggled.

Dana's jaw dropped as I turned around, walking away. Lunch was next. It was another salad and croutons day, although they had San Pellegrino sparkling water today.

"Girls," Viola declared, Dana right behind her. They sat at the nearly empty table where I was. "This weekend, after Georgia's surgery, WE ARE SNEAKING INTO MEADOW GROVE!"

Dana squealed.

"But wouldn't I need to rest?" I asked. Viola shook her head.

"Their surgeries don't need waiting, because they're, like, high tech!"

"Oh." I said. "...What's Meadow Grove?"

"The boys school, duh! It's two blocks away." Viola said excitedly.

Boys. Boys! I did a 'woo-hoo' as I jumped up from my seat.

~Yay! Boys! Haha! Next chapter, the first surgery, and sneaking into Meadow Grove!~

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