Chapter 1-9

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The Order of the Dark Serpent


He wakes up blind folded and naked and all he thinks it was snape's fault. once the blind fold was removed he see three men standing in front of him.

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Harry panic as he open his eyes and all he saw was darkness, he felt sluggish and drowsy like someone drugged him...Snape... he thought ...I was drinking tea in his offices he offered me tea! Why did I drink it?... he screamed at himself as he heard the sound of the heavy doors opening and naked feet slapping along the floor. It made Harry realised that he was naked himself he groped around for a blanket but found none.

The blind fold was pulled off his face made him blinked at the dully light room, but from what he could see it looked like a large bath chambers with green and gold tiled walls, gold and black snaked curved into the round room, the tails of the snaked hung low holding brightly lit lanterns. But his eyes were drawn back to the three men standing in front of him.

The teen pulled his legs closer to his chest and looked up at them, they wore masks but not ones that he seen Death Eaters wear but these were blank apart from the eyes, but there was markings were of snakes. One moved closer to Harry and pulled him up onto his knees, the teen struggled for a moment but because he felt drowsy and sluggish he gave up quickly "Do you know why you're here?" Came the voice from the middle man, Harry didn't recognised his voice but he couldn't shake off the feeling that it was Voldemort under that mask
"N...No." Harry said, his mouth was dry and he felt like he swallowed sandpaper as his tongue stuck to his lips. The three men looked at each other as if they were talking to each other though their eyes before looking back at the teen
"You're here because of your blood, you sure the blood from an old but great family that has started too die since Albus Dumbledore has come to power." The one on the right said, Harry turned to look at him
"But...he isn't? He's only a head master?" Harry said
"That is his greatest illusion young Phoenix." Harry frowned at being called a phoenix, in his eyes Phoenixes are beautiful creatures and he is well...not. "His illusion is what he wants people to see. This Order of the Dark Serpent is here to fix these wrongs."
"A...And how are you going to do that?" Harry asked,
"By carrying on the line by 4 powerful families." Frowning Harry turned to the man on the lift before shaking his head
"What do you want from me?" He asked, he was scared of the answer but he wanted to know what these men wanted with him...They drugged you, well Snape did, you're naked as a jay bird with three masked men talking about carrying on the blood line... his mind told him
"You will carry our children."
"Yep that what I thought, well it was nice meeting you gents but I got to go and kick a teacher." Harry said trying to standing up.

They grabbed him and pulled him towards the table "It would be better if you are Will." One said as they forced a yellow potion down his throat. Harry choked as he felt the fluid hit his stomach, He looked up at them before they tie his hand down onto the table
"This is you wanting me willing!" Harry yelled as he pulled on the chains around his wrist "How is this willing if you tied me down!" He snarled at them, one masked man touched Harry's hair with a bare hand and ran his fingers though the soft strands
"The chains are to hurt you, but we want you to understand, we are running out of time and any attempts to contact you alone has failed. If we had more time we would have let you come to us on your own free will. We don't want to hurt you." He whispered softly as Harry's breathing calmed down as he looked at the masked man that is close to his face
"A...And if I become willing now what will happen to me after the babies are born?"
"Every child should have mother." Harry closed his eyes trying to stop the tears from forming "I can promises you that Dumbledore would have already have a wife picked out for you and the names of your children." Harry open his eyes again now feeling a little more out of it
"W...What you" He asked, finding it hard to get his words out
"What we mean our little Phoenix is that old man has planned your life since the day you were born and we can prove it to you." Another masked man said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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