Chapter One: The Beginning

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July 30, 2014
3:20 p.m

We sat on the concrete porch, passing the bottle of whiskey back and forth. I huffed heavily thinking of how I was going to break it to my brother. I turned to him slightly with my legs cocked open. He brought the bottle to his lips but paused before drinking it when he noticed I was staring at him.

He chuckled. "Don't tell me you on some gay shit nah' ?" He said in his southern twang. I laughed.

"Nah bro, just thinking 'bout some shit." I paused, not sure what I should say next. "Man, ain't you tried of living like this? This shit hasn't gotten old yet?"

"Here you go with this shit again. Of course I'm tired of it but how am I suppose to 'quit'?" He retorted.

"Okay, sooo I've been thinking and ..." I paused. "I'm ready to take DJ out" I mumbled.

He hopped up, dropping his bottle of whiskey in the grass. He grabbed my collar with his face twisted in anger. "You ready to do what nigga? Are you dumb? You just asking for an early death. You do realize your son is only five right?" I pushed him off roughly.

"I know nigga. You didnt even let me finish. Like I was saying, I know this shit isn't going to end sweet and I also know my consequences. But I have to do it. You know that this is a never ending cycle. Once Ethan gets older he will have to join this shit too. I don't want that for my son. He deserves more than that. I'm doing this for him and if you want to one day have kids then you will join me on this." I sighed and looked over at him hoping that he understood what I was saying. This is a cold world, just want to make my son's a little warmer. "C'mon man I really need you to pull through. I can't do this without you man."

He sighed heavily. " I can't believe i'm doing this but yea man.. I'll help you."

"Alright so here's the plan ...."

* * *

"If we want this to go right, it's going to take awhile before we make a move."I said, warning my friend. I picked up my phone, checking my messages. "Aye man, I gotta go. Baby moms tripping. You know how that goes." I chuckled and hopped up, walking towards the door.

"See you later bro. Stay safe." I left Ray's house and got into my car. I started my car and drove off while buckling my seatbelt. I drove to my baby mother, Erica's, house and parked my car. I got out of the car and knocked on her door. I lifted my hand about to knock on the door again. Right before I knocked, Erica swung the door open popping her gum, with her head tilted to the side and her hand on her hip.

"Well look who it is? Mr. DeadBeat in the flesh." I chuckled.

"Look, I didn't come here to talk to you. Can I see my son or not?" She stared at me like I was stupid. I'll take that as a yes. I thought. I gently pushed her aside and walked into her house. "Ethan!" My voice echoed throughout the small house. I heard his little feet patter as he ran on the hardwood floor.

"Daddyy!!" He exclaimed excitedly as he jumped in my arms. Man I'm going to miss this.

"Hey buddy. Did you miss me? Because Daddy missed you sooo much." I said squeezing him tight.

"Me miss you daddy. Why you no come see me? I be bad?" He said with his face scrunched up in confusion. My face saddened.

"No son. It's daddy's fault. I never want you to think it's your fault. I was trying to clear my schedule so I could spend a whole week with you and mommy." I said trying to cheer him up. He gasped.

"Really? You stay with us?" He questioned.

"Of course buddy." I picked him up. "Let's go tell mommy." I exclaimed, walking up the stairs. I walked into her room and sat down putting Ethan on my lap. "Can I spend the week with y'all?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"What for? You ain't never wanted to be with us before." I sighed.

"Just this once. I promise if I cause any trouble I will leave." I pleaded. I never been the type to beg so I hope she knows I'm serious.

"Okay, fine Chresanto. You can sleep in the guest room." I chuckled at the fact that she thought I was in the guest room.

"Yeah, okay." I said sarcasticly. "Come on Ethan. We're going to the park." He ran to me excitedly.

"Really? You promise this not trick?" He said and poked his lip out.

"I'm serious E man. Let's go." I said while grabbing his hand, walking him outside

"Wait, Chres .. I had this dream that you and Ethan left and got into a horrible accident. And ... and .. and please be careful with my baby." Erica said looking as if she wanted to cry. I sighed.

"I will Erica. He's my son too. Plus that was a dream. You know my driving skills are exellento." He said in a joking manner, with a wink.

I strapped him into his carseat and ran over to the driver's seat, putting on my seat belt. I slowly backed out of our driveway, looking in my rear view mirror. As I pulled out, I watched a car from across the street pull out at the same time as I did. We got to a big intersection and the car was still behind me. Our traffic light was a red light. I looked down at my phone until something in my head told me I should look up. I think it was God because when I looked up, the car who pulled out the same time as I did was now coming down the hill towards Ethan and I at full speed and there was nothing I could do. The intersection had cars going left and right, up and down it. "Ethan!" I called out to him. "I need to --." My voice got cut off as the car made contact with our car. I could feel the car skidding around as my body jerked but I wasn't sure what was happening. I was going in and out of conciousness. I couldn't even hear Ethan crying or anything. I pray he's okay. "Ethan?" I mumbled lowly. "Ethan!" I mumbled more in a panic. I knew yelling was going to hurt me but maybe he would respond if I yelled. He always hated when I yelled. "Ethan!!" I yelled as loud as I could. I was sure it wasn't as loud as it should've been. I felt myself loosing it. "Help him .. somebody help him" I mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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