The Twisted Love Story

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"He's not answering me! Gianna, I dont know what's happening. I mean, I didnt even start liking him until he ignored me. What's going on?" Asked Kristin.

"Girl, you're going boy crazy." Said Gianna.

"I dont know. It just seems like, when I'm around him..I feel different. Like I can trust him with know?" Asked Kristin.

"I do know. Matter of fact, thats how me and Jason got together. He was ignoring me, but we eventually started talking again. Trust me, boys are tough!" Said Gianna.

"Tell me about it. Well, I have to go. See you at school tomorrow. Bye." Kristin quickly hung up the phone and started texting.

"Come on. Please answer! Please!" Kristin sighed and fell back on her bed. "I'm such a loser. I should have known he wouldnt answer. I mean, who wants to be friends with me? I mean, I thought we really hit it off! We were becoming great trusting friends! Guess I was wrong.." She helplessly said. She checks her phone again.

"OH MY GOSH. HOW MANY TIMES IS HE GOING TO IGNORE ME?!" She screamed, staring at the screen which said 'text message read 9:00pm' "Whatever."

She walks into the lunch room. She sees some of her other friends, Hailey and Rachel.

"Hey guys. Where's Gianna?" Kristin asks.

"In the lunch line." Says Rachel.

"I wouldnt go up there though, its their meatloaf special." Says Hailey.

"Again? Dont they know people hate it? I mean, its disgusting." Kristin says.

"I dont know! No one's buying though. Here, have some chips." Says Hailey. Hailey gives Kristin the bag of chips. When Gianna returns, she's with Taylor. Hailey whispers to Kristin "What's she doing here? No one likes her. She's so annoying."

"She's okay. She's in my homeroom. We're friends but, you're right, she's annoying!" Says Kristin.

"Hey guys." Says Taylor.

"Hi." Said Rachel.

"Uh hi." Said Hailey.

"Hey." Kristin says.

"Gianna, come to the bathroom with me!" Says Kristin. Taylor turns. Gianna shrugs and walks away.

"What's up?" Gianna asks.

"It's about Justin." exclaimed Kristin. "What do you mean? What happened?" asked Gianna frantically.

"I'm done with him. Just done. He's not gonna answer, I'm not gonna talk to him." Kristin explained.

"Come on Kristin. Don't think like that! Try talking to him tomorrow in homeroom." Gianna says.

"But...I can't talk to guys. I just cant. They don't like me and if I did talk to them I'd screw it up..I hate this. Why did I even have to start liking Justin anyway. What's wrong with me?!" Kristin screams. Kristin runs out of the bathroom looking like she is about to cry. Taylor is sitting at the table with Rachel and Hailey. She sits down at the table. Her face looks red and splotchy from her eyes tearing up. Not only that but it is very obvious she was crying. Hailey and Rachel say nothing, figuring it was rude to ask. Taylor then blurts out

"Why were you crying?" The group is silent. Kristin doesnt even look up. Gianna returns back to the table and asks if anyone wants a cupcake from the snack line. Hailey and Rachel leave with Gianna to serve their hunger.

"Are you and Gianna not friends anymore..." Taylor quietly asked. "No..its just that, never mind. Thanks for asking though." Kristin explains. "Oh. What's your number? Maybe we can hang out sometime." Says Taylor. "Sure! It's 609-376-1302." says Kristin softening up.

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