Past and Present

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Bang! The shot rang out, and your victim fell dead to the floor. A puddle of blood flowed onto the once spotless wooden floor. You smiled slightly to yourself, thinking of the money this important kill would bring in.

Your name was Y/N L/N. You weren't well known, but that was a good thing. You worked for a rather small group of hitmen and you were the best of the best there. You were frequently requested by anonymous people who somehow knew about you and your experience in your odd career. You'd think killing absolute strangers for money would faze you, but it didn't. Your past was far from normal.

Your father was a hitman. Your mother was a chef. Out of the two possible career choices, you chose to be trained in the weirder one. By the age of ten you knew how to operate and safely handle a gun. At fifteen, your aim was almost perfect. Your targets were rarely missed, although those targets were never living creatures. Your father didn't think you'd be able to handle ending the life of something. Little did he know he was very wrong.

When you were seventeen your father was brutally murdered, and the guilty was left to roam free. Your mother committed suicide an hour after finding his battered body in your living room. You were placed into the hands of your aunt. She treated you like her personal slave, and didn't care for you whatsoever. After a year of this hell you ran away from the awful woman. You met many people. Most of which treated you terrible. This is where your hate for the human race came from. Eventually, you found a job and managed to get a small apartment.

You decided that tracking down your father's murderer was a must, and spent your free time researching multiple murders linked to the supposed suspect. The group you worked for found you a year ago and took interest in your skills and bloodlust. You lacked most of the usual human emotions so killing innocent people didn't bother you one bit.

The Unkindness, the name of the group, had taught you even more than your father had. You didn't know there was so much more to this profession than just simply shooting someone and running. You learned how to cover your tracks and escape unharmed after completing a job. You learned the rules of being a hitman, and what it takes to be on the top. You made quite a few friends along the way. Some weren't even in the group, just friends of your fellow members. This included your roommate Petra.

Petra was not only your roommate, but your best friend. She was basically the complete opposite of you. She was a surgeon. You ended lives for a living, while she saved lives for a living. She was almost always cheerful and displayed many different emotions, while you mostly kept a straight face and rarely showed emotion. Even with all your differences you managed to get along. Petra knew about your job and questioned how you could live with yourself after mercilessly killing a person for money, but you didn't understand how she could spend all her time saving the filth known as humans.

This is how you got where you are now. In a fairly decent apartment with a fairly decent life, and a job that required killing mostly innocent people.

A/N (Author's Note): So, this is my first attempt at a continued xReader story. I'm used to writing one shots instead of long stories, so I apologize if it isn't great. I hope you like your character and don't mind having Petra as a roommate. It's kind of required for the whole story to work out. Also, I chose the name "The Unkindness" for the group you work for because an "unkindness" is the name for a group of ravens (and ravens are pretty creepy birds lmao). Updates will probably happen every 3-5 days, or once a week (depending on how busy I am). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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