Chapter 7 - Sisters, Coats and Patent Slippers

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Elsie grabbed her coat from the hook and closed the cupboard door behind her. A satchel lay on her bed and she admired it's bead work. Sequins, and beads flowed into shapes of flowers and swirls, all coming together in the middle. Vibrant colours expanded in all different directions. Lewis had given it to her, in Merrily, just after they first met. It was one of her most prize possessions.

Grabbing the satchel, she tucked her coat into the bag and threw it over her shoulder. Am I forgetting anything? She thought. Oh!?

She placed her bag back on the bed and hurried over to her dresser. She pulled each draw out in hastily, rummaging through the neatly packed clothes. Where is it?

Elsie started searching through her little cases of jewellery, which sat pleasantly on the top of her dresser. Next to them, sat her hair brush, which had been her mothers and had been passed down to her.

Suddenly, looking up in the mirror, she spots something glimmering by her bed. There!

She left the cases untidy....jewellery spread all over the dresser. Pacing over to her bedside table, the object glimmers brighter. She picks it up. Admires it. And tucks in beneath her cloak in the satchel.

Elsie flings the satchel over her shoulders, checks herself over, once more in the mirror, and heads out her bedroom door and into the hallway.

Here face glowed with excitement! She had waited, what? 3 weeks or so? for her sister to arrive back home. It had been way to long. WAYYYYY to long! And today was the day! Plans of what they would do, piled in her head.

They would go to the markets first, she thought. Followed by a trip down to the mill. Maybe they'd go visit one of Emma's friends, and she'd tell Elsie all these amazing stories of her adventures. And then, Elsie would reply with one of her adventures, not that she went on many.

Snow and David were protective, very protective. Seeing that it hadn't been long since their family was reunited, Snow usually didn't go places without her girls, Ever Rose and Elsie. But this time was different. Snow had decided to let Elsie go, with Ever Rose too. Ever Rose had a tendency to just walk off or get distracted, so Snow keep and extra close eye on her usually.

Elsie appreciated her mother's trust.

"I might even run into Lewis? Oh that would be good!" Suddenly realising she had said it aloud, Elsie hurried her pace down the stairs. She could see Ever Rose waiting at the bottom.

"Uh, what are you wearing?" Ever Rose announced, in Elsie's direction.

"Appropriate clothing," was Elsie's reply. "I'm dressed, like mother would expect."

"Okayyyyy, but I don't think mother would care what you wore today, she did suggest comfy clothes," uncertainty lingered in Ever Rose's voice. She wasn't sure if she was correct, but went with in anyway.

Both girls looked up to the sound of foot steps coming down the stairs. Emma, followed by Henry, stopped at the bottom.

Henry announced himself, "Hey guys, you looking forward to spending today with my mum?"

Ever Rose replied, "Yeah, I'm sure we'll have a blast." Emma smiled.

"I'm spending today with my dad down at the markets," Henry continued.

"We might see you down there," Elsie added.

Scanning her sisters, Emma said, "Are you sure, you'll be comfortable? Sis, you may want to change you're shoes?."

Looking down at her patent slippers, Elsie realised she was dressed in the wrong sort of outfit. She loved these shoes, they were comfy. She did know they're weren't appropriate, but they matched her outfit! She'd probably wouldn't even care if they didn't match, she'd wear them anyway.

She ran back up stairs to get changed. They did look comfortable, she thought. Both Emma and Ever were wearing denim jeans, but Emma was wearing her tight fitted singlet and leather red jacket. It must be a favourite, Elsie thought. She wears it ever chance she can get.

Ever Rose was dressed in a woollen jumper, Snow had knitted last winter. She'd thanked her mother, but deep down, she knew she wouldn't wear it. To her mother's request, she wore it today. But today only. A scarf, also knitted, was draped gently over her shoulders and around her neck once. It was green, Ever's favourite colour.

Heading to her dresser once again, she pulled out a casual pale yellow top, and a pair of reddish pink skinny jeans. She loved this outfit, and used to wear it all the time back in Merrily. She was glad she had bought it with her.

She was still going to where the coat, it was beautiful. A blue paisley pattern took up most of the satin coat, and it was bordered with a gold for a princess. Passed down through generations. It was true. Three generations. Eva, Snow's mother, wore it as a child, up until she, was around eighteen. Obviously it had been too big, but Eva's father could sew and would gently let it down as she got older.

It had then been passed onto Snow, and then Elsie. It was saved for Emma, but Snow missed her eldest daughter's childhood, and with Emma being in her early thirties now, the coat was much too small. Elsie, loved it though. Cherished it and wore it every moment she could.  

Not long after, she found herself and her sisters, walking out the castle door, ready to spend their time with each other, just as each of them had imagined....

A/N - Hey guys, I couldn't think of the title of the chapter, but this one kind of fits.....looks like the girls are ready for their adventure ah? Check out Chapter 8 soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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