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Matthew's POV
"Ugh! Alfred! Why did you stop flying we are going to lose the flock! " Matthew scolded irritated "Calm down Mattie they go the same direction every time they fly so it won't take long for us to find them" "That doesn't mean we can just stay here the whole time".

Matthew had never been more irritated with his brother ever until now they were supposed to fly south to find more food but for some reason Alfred stopped and he refused to tell Matthew why, he supposed a break was fine but he couldn't even see the flock anymore. Stupid Alfred. "Look Mattie-" "ALFRED WATCH OUT!" He screamed as a flock of actual birds knocked into Alfred and he lost his balance and he was falling and he was picking of velocity more as he fell. Oh no! What is he going to do! He did the only thing he could do, He was flying after Alfred, he was trying to fly as fast as he could he managed to grab onto Alfred's foot but he only managed to slow his fall, he couldn't carry this much weight, they were falling closer to the ground.

Nobody's POV
"Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes" Arthur said "I was having such a peaceful time why must you disturb it with that radioactive waste you call food" "Shut it frog you're lucky I invited you here anyway" "As if, I would have came here to bug you even if you didn't invite me-". Suddenly there was a big crash
"What the bloody hell was that!" "Arthur we are in the middle of the woods you said there would be no disturbances why was there a crash?!" "You think I know idiot!?" "Well you own this place so-" "I DON'T KNOW!" "You know what whatever I just want to know what it was" "Yeah we can settle this later" Arthur replied as he and Francis began to run outside towards the sound of the crash, Francis looked up and there was smoke floating into the sky not far from their cabin "We are almost there".

Matthew POV
All he felt was pain in his wings back legs everything, everything just hurt. His vision was blurry, he blinked a few times 'Where are we?' he thought as his vision cleared he saw Alfred laying next to him "Alfred! Alfred! Wake up" but it was no use he was unconscious that's when he heard footsteps running toward their direction. He saw 2 figures emerge from the woods, oh no, he knew they were human he had to get out there with Alfred quickly.

Arthur's POV
As they approached they saw 2 boys with wings, was very confused ,boys with wings ,"wow" he said quietly he just stared he couldn't believe what he was seeing. One the boys was staring at them wide eyed with horror Francis was the first to speak up "Hello there" he said gently, he tried to walk closer but the boy whimpered and scooted back "Are you going to hurt me? " the boy said, he was so quiet and he sounded so scared "No I'm not, what's your name?" "M-matthew" "Who's that behind you?" Arthur glanced behind Matthew to see another boy laying unconscious behind Matthew being guarded by his wings "M-my b-brother, Alfred" "OK would you like to come with us to help your brother?" "s-s-sure"

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