The prologue was on my other account. It's "Black Phanther_06",if you want to check it out please leave a vote and a Comment! Hope you'll like this story.
----------------◆Jherick's POV◆
That word makes me feel sick..
Every single piece of small mistakes, that word always came out from all of my bosses big mouth.
I wish that word was never created..
Course that word..
Now,im finding my new job.
Im in the waiting area of a huge hospital, maybe this will be my good luck..!
"Mr.Jamili,the doctor is free now.You may now talk to him."
When I here my name..
I take a deep sigh..This is it..
When im about to enter the doctors office,something caught my eye..
A nurse looking at me strangely..
I wonder what he's thinking..?
"Ohh Mr.Jamili,please come in."
"Okay Doc. .."
"Please have a seat."
"Okay,the nurse on the waiting room says that your looking for a job.Do you have any experience in a hospital..?"
"Last year,I've been an Eye Operator in 'The Eye Clinic'..And I can also do many surgical operations.. "
"Well that's what we're looking for,your hired."
This is strange..
He already hired me..
I never hire this fast before..
I wonder why..?"Uhm Doc,why so fast!?"
"Because I am the only doctor left in this hospital. That's why I hired you already.. "
"Well,when will I start working!? "
"Tomorrow,because we'll having an heart transplant. Be early! "
"Okay Doc, I will.."
If you like this part,please leave a vote and for any suggestions leave a Comment.! Thanks! ♡♥

HorrorJherick, Divine and their friends were trapped in a scary hospital where the Killer is.. Will they ever survive?? Or their Eyes gonna be for Sale??