~Got7charisma_appa has logged on~
~FlyingMark has logged on~
~Wild.n.sexy.guy has logged on~
~Omma_Got7 has logged on~
~MyBeautifulVoice has logged on~
~Adorableforeigner has logged on~
~TalentedMaknae has logged on~Got7charisma_appa : Guys! Thanks for your nicknames.. It's easy to recognize you... :D
Wild.n.Sexy.guy : Yeah! Who else that is sexy? Only me though..
Adorableforeigner : Heyyyy! JB hyung is quiet sexy too.. You're the neighbourhood idiot!
Wild.n.Sexy.guy : What?! I'm going to kill you!
~Wild.n.Sexy.guy has logged out~
Adorableforeigner : Opps! I better lock the door!
~Adorableforeigner has logged out~
Omma_Got7 : I heard something in Bambam's room. Something crash onto floor.
TalentedMaknae: I heard it too.. Jackson is yelling!
MyBeautifulVoice : Mark! JB! Junior! Bam needs helps!!!
~FlyingMark has logged out~
Got7Charisma_appa : I will go to help him.. Wait, Bam!
~Got7Charisma_appa has logged out~
~Omma_Got7 has logged out~MyBeautifulVoice : Did you heard Jackson cried?
TalentedMaknae : I saw Mark punched Jackson ×_×
MyBeautifulVoice: Who is the one that Mark love actually? Bam or Jackson? Haish.. Conflict "-_-
~Wild.n.Sexy.guy has logged on~
TalentedMaknae: Jackson is online! Yeehaw..
Wild.n.Sexy.guy: Mark punched my face. Mark punched my face. But it didn't really hurt there. It hurt in my heart! :'(
~FlyingMark has logged on~
~Omma_Got7 has logged on~
~Got7Charisma_appa has logged on~FlyingMark: Jackson.. You are the one who punched me first! I should be the one who is sulking! Not you..! :'(
Omma_Got7: Jackson punched me too. At the stomach..
MyBeautifulVoice: What?! I thought that Mark is being cruel to Jackson!
TalentedMaknae: Haish.. Where is Bam?
Got7Charisma_appa: In his room. Too scared to logged on.. "-_-
~FlyingMark has logged out~
TalentedMaknae: I think, he is going to Bam's room.
Omma_Got7: Guys! We have a performance tomorrow.. Lets just go to sleep..
~Omma_Got7 has logged out~
Got7Charisma_appa: Guys! Lets go to sleep right now! Or I will go to your room to sing a lullaby..
~TalentedMaknae has logged out~
~MyBeautifulVoice has logged out~Got7Charisma_appa: Jackson Wang! Go to sleep now! Or I will go to your room!
Wild.n.Sexy.guy: Alright, hyung... Nite! Sleep tight! Sweet Dreams!
~Wild.n.Sexy.guy has logged out~
~Got7Charisma_appa has logged out~*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*-+-*
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