Tiger Stripes

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I fought so hard. I tried my best. I loved everything, and I felt so deeply, and for what? To be betrayed?

Chapter One

        There is a hierarchy amongst Were's. Firstly, there are the royals, most commonly referred to as the Alpha Clan. The Alpha Clan holds supreme power over the united clans. The clans are usually large groups made up of smaller packs that are joined together. Then, the clans are split into packs, which are basically family units. Packs can be very small or extremely large and are run by a family leader of sorts called a lesser alpha. Sometimes were’s get banished from their packs and then they become lone’s but that only happens sometimes. 

        My name is Katherine, but most people call me Kat because I’m a cat, or so we hope. Today is my sixteenth birthday and I’ve never been able to shift. It's an extremely well-kept secret within my family. I assume the clans think I'm just exceptionally well-guarded, since I’m the daughter of the High Alpha.

        It's a well-known fact that my other form is a big cat. Anyone who sees me can determine that much. My slotted pupils in my icy blue eyes can attest to that. Not to mention my elongated teeth that comes to unnaturally sharpened points, and my hair. My hair is quite unusual. It's pure white; like whiter than snow, white. 

        My father says that my other form could take many shapes. I could be a snow leopard like my grandmother, or maybe a white lion or tiger.

        Tonight is my sixteenth birthday ball. It’s supposed to be a coming out event of sorts. But I can already tell that it’s just a huge gossip fest. The majority of the people here have never seen me so I highly doubt they’re excited to celebrate my coming of age.

        I took a deep breath and looked in my mirror. My reflection stared back at me. My wide blue eyes just barely betrayed my otherwise well hidden panic. I had chosen to wear a deep blue hi-low dress paired with silver heels tonight. Rather than fighting with my hair, I left it loose in waves. My make up consisted of only some mascara and blue eyeliner. I was ready. 

        I began to make my way downstairs. Our house was very old but still grand in its old age. The room that the guests were gathered in was termed the ballroom by my father. It was a ginormous room with chandeliers and a fireplace.

        As I entered I paused to scan the crowd in search of my father. When I finally spotted him he with someone very familiar to me. Emilio was a lesser alpha of a pack of werewolves. He was a good man and one of the few outside of my family who knew about my little problem. I made my way over to them and I observed many heads turning in my direction as I walked to my father’s side. “Hello Emilio,” I smiled.

        “Hey Kat,” He was one of the youngest alphas right then at just nineteen. We had known each other for a while and despite this he still paused to check me out. I can’t say I dislike the attention though. I smirked.

        “How’s your pack?” I asked him. My interest was in Emilio himself, not his pack. But an Alpha’s pack comes before himself so asking about his pack would likely get me a better outcome than if I had asked him about himself. 

        “It’s been difficult, but we’re adjusting,” He answered.

        Unfortunately the werewolves have garnered themselves a bad reputation as one of the least civilized of all the Clans; though not quite as bad as my brother’s clan. My brother Viper is a were-snake. His original name, Victor was quickly amended when we found out his otherform is a Pit Viper. Viper is the lesser Alpha's third within the Snake Clan.  

        “We have to greet the other guests Kat,” My father said, disturbing my thoughts. “Thank you for your time Emilio.”

        “It’s been a pleasure Alpha.” He ducked his head and headed to the bar.

        “First we’ll meet the Alpha of the Were-bear clan and his mate and their son,” My father said as directed me toward them.

        “Logan,” My father greeted a large man with a rather hairy face.

        “Alpha,” He greeted in a deep bass. “And this must be Katherine. We’ve heard so much about you. You are looking absolutely stunning!” He complimented.

        “Thank you. Is this your mate?” I asked, referring to the shorter woman beside him. She was on the shorter side and quite portly.

        “Yes, this is Angelica,” He held her hand and looked down at her.

        These were two people who were still very much in love and that made my heart swell for them. I was always a hopeless romantic.

        “And this,” He said motioning to the boy who seemed to be about my age. “is Patrick.”

        “Hello Patrick.” I greeted him. “How do you like my party?” I asked politely. I honestly didn’t care if he liked the party or not, but it made Father happy when I was social.

        We made small talk and I noticed Father and Logan speaking in hushed tones. “She’s a white tiger? Is she truly? She’ll be the strongest High Alpha we’ve ever had!” I heard him exclaim. I nearly face palmed. There goes Father bragging again when I haven’t even shifted yet. Which is unfortunate since I’m still not convinced I’ll ever shift at all.

        “Excuse me Patrick. I’m feeling ill. I must go.” I said.

        He did his whole bowing thing to show respect and I pretty much trotted away mid-bow. I needed fresh air. I walked upstairs and opened the doors to the balcony. I stood there staring at the moon and stars for a long time.

        “Why me? I asked the moon. I could feel it in my bones; the moon would be full by tomorrow at twilight.

        I sighed deeply and started to descend the stairs. I heard a noise that was very familiar. It was the sound of bones cracking and rearranging as someone shifted. Then I heard the outraged snarl of a black panther. And not just any panther; it was my father. 

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