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The Raven-haired girl navigated her way through the labyrinth of intertwining branches. She slowed her laboured breathing as a shadow appeared in the distance.

Her almond shaped eyes widened in feared as she backed away from the shadow, slowing forcing her aching limbs into a jagged sprint.

She whipped her way through the jutting branches of the damp forest, stray twigs and thorns snagging on her dark dress.

"Little Girl!" The dark figure hollered "Come out and play!"

By the proximity of his voice, she knew the shadow was close. The girl came to a small clearing full of large mushrooms and tree ferns.

Once again she heard the shadow figures heavy steps and breathing. For a master of the night this beast sure was loud, and stealth didn't seem to be in his favour.

Before she could react a twig snapped far to her left, a dead giveaway that this man- although I don't suppose it was human for that matter – was in striking range.

"Gotcha! Didn't think you could get away with that scent all over you, did ya'?" The shadow spat in a strong English accent, grabbing her by the collar and dragging her through the path that she had just run.

"Let go of me!" She wailed in a meek attempt to catch anybody's attention. She thrashed her legs about and clawed at the figures tight clasp around her neck.

He slammed her small frame into a nearby Oak, knocking the wind out of her lungs.

"So you wanna play rough, eh? I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget," A cruel smirk played at the lips of the man, and his eyes flashed red for a brief second.

Once again the little Girls Kaleidoscopic eyes expanded in a mix of terror and astonishment. The stories she had heard were only legends, of course. But she must confess that the thought of this man being inhuman had crossed her mind. Even in the situation that she was, the little girl had a choice.

Fight or Die

Just as she had finished with her self-debate, the figure lunged at her. Sharp – defiantly inhuman – canines expanded from its gaping mouth.

She mustered up the best right hook she has ever thrown, and collided her fist with the man's jaw.

An intense cracking sound echoed through the clearing before the man snapped his head to her with eyes seeing red.

"Why you little," before she could hear the Man's crude ending to the sentence, she once again ran as fast as her spindly legs would take her.

But the brute of a Man was ten time her size, and her speed.

She whipped her Raven-haired head around two seconds too late, and was once again captured in the vice of this humanoid beast. He twisted his hands tighter around her Esophagus, enclosing her airways.

He let go with one hand, still keeping his steel grip around her neck. Once again his canines extended as he sniffed the air like a wild hound.

Before she could let out a plea for help, the Man sank in his razor sharp teeth into the flesh of her neck. The little girl let out a blood curdling scream as she watched crimson liquid fall from her neck and onto the pale snow.

Drip by drip she watched her humanity fade away, and felt an immortality take its place.

A fire like sensation seeped through her veins and took its time to flood her heart. The blood that remained flowing through her felt like set concrete, weighing down her body, making her limbs ache with agony.

The Man pulled back with a satisfied grin, his mouth smeared and stain a deep red, the colour of blood. He loosened his grip around her throat and kicked her into the crisp with snow, now stained with droplets of her own life.

"Teach you not to meddle with our kind little girl, now you'll live an eternity of hell." He spat on the stiff body, and with that done, fled from the scene.

She lie as still as a statue, not once attempting to move her lead-like extremities. As she felt her very existence fading away, she made a promise to herself.

She promised she'd find the Man who did this to her. And she would not have mercy.

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