Anastasia's P.O.V.
"Ok guys i'm kinda scared. Can you guys spend the night? I don't wanna sleep in this house alone." I said, my voice shaking.
"Sure. I'm up for it. What about you guys?" Bailee said.
"I'm up for it too." Selena said. "What about you ariana?"
She didn't answer she kept staring at something.
"Ariana? What's wrong?" I questioned. I walked up to her and looked at what she was looking at. My closet.
"Yea I'm up for it. Hey Anastasia don't you always have your closet door closed? Why is it opened?" Ariana questioned. I looked up at her and nodded. I looked inside my closet. Nothing here except a nail-polish tube.
"Hey guys there's nothing in here. But I found this." I said as I held up the tube.
" Is that nail-polish? It looks like it was on the mirror." Selena said.
I looked at the rag I wiped the mirror with. I marked the nail polish next to the one that was one the mirror.
"Perfect match guys. It wasn't blood. It was nail polish. But why was it In my closet? Hah this person left behind some clues. Sweet. Maybe the shit that happens in my life it's not entirely bad!" I said. The girls laughed. We spent the night up in my room. We eventually fell asleep.
-skipping the night-
Ariana's P.O.V.
I spent the night, well the girls spent the night at Anastasia's house. I was in the room talking to Selena when Arabelle came in.
" hey guys where's Anastasia? I haven't seen her all morning."
Bailee said in a worried tone. I looked at her bed. There was a note on the pillow.
" hey guys look there's a note on her bed. It says:
Went to go pick up my mom. Be there at 3:00p.m. See you soon!
Anastasia." I read the card. It's 2:45 right now. So she will be here soon.
"Hey since Anastasia is always there for us why don't we help around. You know, clean up around here. Make everything look nice." I said being generous as always.
Anastasia's P.O.V.
As I drove to the airport I saw Jenna Marshall talking to my mom.
"Oh hey sweetie. You know Ms. Marshall right?" My mom said.
"Yes I do. Hello Jenna." I said in a monotone.
"Um it's ms. Marshall. You know better."
"Oh no. It's fine. She can call me anything she wants. Jenna, ms. Marshall, ms. J. I don't care!" Jenna said. Even for a girl that tried to be blind. She sure is a bad actor still.
"Well it was nice seeing you Aria and you as well Anastasia. I've got to go see you guys soon."
Jenna said. Yep guys that's right the Aria Montgomery is my mom. The one that was NOT friends with the Jenna marshall.
"Mom why were you talking to her?" I questioned.
Oh cliffhanger. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it

Innocent Target
Teen FictionHave you ever had a stalker? One that actually does something? One who you have no idea who they are? Or one that could be following your every move. 4 teenage girls Anastasia, Selena, Ariana, and Bailee do. Find out how their life changes when you...