Louis #1

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"How about you stay out of this?" Louis looked over to Harry as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Louis, you're destroying yourself, don't you see?" Harry countered back. "I told you, stay out." Louis got up from the stoop on the porch and threw his cigarette to the ground, stomping on it to put it out. He walked past Harry, almost bumping into his shoulder as he went past. "I'm sick of all of you trying to tell me what to do!" he screamed, making his way through the back door. All the boys looked up at Louis as they watched him go up to his room. Louis grabbed his injection needle and started the fire. His room, once shared with Harry, was an empty, soulless place where a boys dreams were destroyed. There were burn marks all over the exposed wooden floor and it smelled of all sorts of drugs. Louis ran his hand through his messy hair, not having gotten it cut or washed in a while. His face was sunken in, a shadow of what it once was. His eyes once shining brightly, were now lifeless and showed no emotion, sunken deep into the sockets. Barely any press recognised him anymore, and they'd rather not have the New Louis Tomlinson on the cover of their magazine. Louis grabbed the needle and poured the deep coloured fluid in. It was his favourite time of day, the chance he got to get high. He pressed the top of the needle and stiffened as the heroin flooded into him. Louis pulled the needle put of his skin, threw it to the side, and quickly covered the spot in which he was bleeding. Someone had put a letter under his locked door and Louis went to pick it up. It was a letter from a fan, and not a letter for all of the non-existent One Direction, but just to him. He hadn't received mail since before the end of One Direction and he never cared to read the group mail. Louis opened the letter, and pulled out a pink paper will small script.

'Dear Louis,' it read, 'I know you think everyone's forgotten about you as an individual and only think about you as the perfect boy band Louis. But I've seen you, actually in person. I've seen you smoking pot, I've seen you shooting heroin, I've seen you arguing with the rest of the boys. To not help would be a disservice of me, but I'm not sure I can. You've become quite atrocious with your actions, and I know the other boys have confronted you about it. Why can't you stop, Louis? Even though others have forgotten, I haven't. I was always told, even if it's just one, that one can make a difference. I'm writing to make a difference. Please, Louis?

Love, Arri'

Louis scoffed and threw the letter to the side. "I'm fucking tired of everyone telling me how to live my life!" He screamed into the darkness of his room.


'Louis Tomlinson all over the news!'



All the boys splayed out in chairs around Louis hospital bed, waiting for him to wake up. Finally, the heart rate began to beat at a normal pace, and Louis flashed his eyes open. "Guys, I'm sorry," Louis could barely whisper. "You told me, and I didn't listen. I couldn't listen. Please don't hate me." "Louis William Tomlinson we could never hate your stupid ass," Zayn said grabbing his leg. "We love you, Louis," Liam said, Niall nodding. Harry stared into Louis' eyes the entire time and couldn't break gaze from his best friend. Louis cracked his normal smile then fell into deep sleep.

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