Chapter 1 - Why Me

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I don't own Naruto

"Onee-chan?! Onee-chan! Please stay with me Onee-chan! Don't go!" I begged my sister. "Don't leave me here alone!"

"Moriko... don't cry." My sister said. She reached a hand up to wipe my tears. I tried to stop but the tears just kept coming. I wasn't like my sister. I wasn't strong.

My sister's head rested on my lap. Her blood slowly soaking into my clothes. We had been attacked by rouge ninjas and with me being only in the academy, my sister was left to defend us both. We were walking deep in the woods of our village when it happened. They came out of no where. Neither of us knew what they wanted, but the threat was obvious.

My sister was the one that took action, being as she was the only one with fighting experience. She was a genius and was a chunin already. We were twins, both at the age of seven, with the exception of her being a few minutes older.

Looking around, the bodies of the rouge ninjas that attacked us lay scattered on the forest floor. The most beaten and bloodied however, was my sister's. The one who held out the longest and defeated them all by herself. While she fought I could only watch as she took blow after blow and stay out of sight.

It was all too much for my young developing mind to process yet I managed to make sense of what was happening around me. My head was buried in my sister's hair and I had her in a death grip.

"Moriko," Onee-chan's voice came out strong. "I need you to do something. It's very important you do this understand?"

I pulled away from her, nodded and wiped my tears. My sister looked me dead in the eyes and slowly got on her knees to face me. Her wound looked worse and I could see the pain in her expression. She isn't going to last much longer.

"Moriko, I need you to keep something for me. Something very, VERY important okay. It's a secret that I'm going to give you and it's very powerful. You can't tell anyone outside the family okay." She instructed.

"Hai." My voice came out weak and raspy. I didn't understand, what was so important? Why can't anyone else know? What is it? Why me? Why must I have whatever it is? Questions were filling up my head and I had to shake my head to keep focus on the only thing that mattered to me at the moment. The only person that meant the world to me. The only one to ever pay attention to me and show me any love or kindness. My sister.

She lied me on the ground and began performing a long series of hand signs. I was confused. Wasn't she supposed to give me something? Her face was serious and her eyes were in deep concentration. Next thing I know her hand is slammed against my stomach and an immense pain begins to form. A light erupts from her hand and my abdomen. She shouts something but I can't understand what she is saying, my ears are ringing. I can't move, it's like her hand is forcing every inch of my being down.

The pain goes on for what feels like hours but slowly begins to subside. The glowing light vanishes and Onee-chan collapses onto me panting hard.

"Onee-chan?" I ask as I roll her over onto her back. She just smiles at me like nothing is wrong, like nothing that just happened happened. "Onee-chan, what just happened?"

"It is done. I hoped it would never come to this, but this was the only way.... the only way to keep it from being released.... the only way..." She said. Her eyes were loosing focus and I had to shake her to keep her with me.

"Don't fall asleep Onee-chan! We have to get you help, please stay... stay with me...." I pleaded. My shaking had jolted her as her eyes were about to close. She wearily looked up at me. I had never seen her look so weak, so frail.... her body battered and broken.

"We can't choose it, as it c-can't choose us M-moriko. I'm sorry I have to leave you with this burden, but you were the only one left for it to go to without being released... you're special Moriko... you're strong."

"No Onee-chan, I'm not. Not like you." I told her. How could I have ever been strong compared to her? "Onee-chan what makes me special?" I asked. I truly didn't know how I could be anything close to special in any way.

"Don't die..." I whispered into her hair, holding her against me.

"M-mo..ri-ko...." That was the last thing my sister was able to say before her body went limp in my arms.

"No... no, no, no, no, no..." I cried. I stared at her motionless body in shock.

What do I do now? I couldn't leave her, but it seemed that now I was left alone deep in the forest, surrounded by dead bodies.

I sat there for hours just holding my sister's lifeless form and cried until a small group of ninja showed up. I held onto her with all the might my seven year old body could manage as the ninjas with animal masks pried me from my sister's body.

"What of this one?" I heard one ask.

"The body will be returned to the family. Her file will be marked as classified and locked away." Another responded.

That was the last thing I heard before my body went limp and I passed out from exhaustion. My body was lifted and then I fell into an abyss of darkness.




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