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   My steps got bigger and bigger as I stepped in the large classroom.I wish I could pick another place,not the front desk,but of course,the back of the class is for the jocks.

  Mrs.May walked in,with her pregnant belly.She was wearing a cute floral top,assorted with blue trousers,and some orthopedic shoes.Her face was only a smile.This should be a sign or something.

"I have two important things to tell you.First,is that our school linked to an Italian school from Rome.Every class in the school will receive,if I can say so a student.Class,meet Claudia Milaccio."

  Every boy in the class stood up,as a beautiful blonde girl stepped in.She was much than most on the guys in this class.She was dressed in some black jeans,and a black blouse with a quote.She had a and she got her coat in her hand.

"Introduce yourself,honey.",the teacher invited her,and Claudia smiled.

"Hello.My name is Claudia and I have 17 years,I like...music,and modelling.",she said giggling.

 Some whistles heard off,making my teeth clinch.How dares Evan to whistle when he hit his girlfriend early before?!!!!


 Claudia greeted me,as she sat next to me.I was a little confused.

"Hi.You shouldn't talk to me,because you would have a bad reputation talking to a geek.",I warned her,while the teacher was telling us something.

"No one can make a person feel bad,talking to another person."

"Welcome here.",I said sarcastic,and she rolled her eyes smiling.

"I like you,you seem nice.What's your name?"

"I'm Rebecca.Rebecca Torres."

"Nice to meet you.Can you show me around?",she asked looking at the door.

 I nodded smiling.This girl has personality.I like it,she reminds me of my cousin.I wonder how is she.


"Dear students,I'm sorry to tell you that,but I'm afraid I'll not longer teach lessons here for a long time with a baby on the way,so you'll have a new teacher,Mr.Donovan.",the teacher said unusually excited."Uh,I wonder where he is.He should have been here!",she looked at her wristwatch.

 Claudia was smiling back at me,so I was smiling her too.I felt very nervous without a reason.Uh,I hate this stupid sensation.I collapsed my head on the desk,on my book.Who cares I haven't the entire homework?No?

"Am I late,Mrs May?Sorry,but this building is as large as an art museum."

  Goosebumps.Goosebumps on my back,and stomach.Unusual butterflies were slamming against my stomach.That voice was making me cry.HIS voice.That black hair,with a black jacket,a body in the middle on the classroom.He was here,my nightmare.

"Mr.Donovan!I thought you wouldn't come!",Mrs.May laughed,giving to this new teacher a bright smile.

"Weren't you on a hurry?",Phoenix said,making the class giggling,making my pregnant teacher blush!

"Yeah!Good-bye,kids.",she rushed out off the classroom,gaining another round of laughing.

   Mr.Donovan leaned against the desk,and said something.Just calling him "Mr" made me puke,calling a bastard something that he isn't.

"Again,I'm Mr.Donovan,your new math teacher,and I hope we'll get along with each other.",he chuckled,not looking to my side,but my eyes were on him.More than anything I would like to run. 

Claudia rose one hand.

"Can I?"

"Sure,darling.What's wrong?",he shot her a hot smile,making some of the cheerleaders sight.

"I'm Italian,and if I don't get something on maths,can you explain me easier?",Claudia gave her best,playing with a blonde stand of hair.

"Math isn't easy.But I hope you'll get it.And sure you'll.",he said,but he was cut off by the bell's sound.

 Grabbing my book,I waited Evan and James to exit,just to not drop my books.Assholes.

"Rebecca,I'm going to the bathroom,and then can you show me around?",Claudia asked,and didn't wait for my answer.

 I swallowed hard,and got up,but I couldn't do anything,because the door slammed shut.

"Hello,sweetie.Did you miss me?",he chuckled,taking a step forehead.

"No,you creeper!What are you doing here!!?",I shouted,and stepped back.

"Well,you see,I'll be your teacher.I need money too.",he stepped towards me,until I was leaned against the desk behind me.

"Why me?Why did I do to you!?"

"Nothing.You didn't need to do me something,you won't get away of me.",he cupped my chin,sending another chill on my spine.

"Please......",tears started to pour from my brown eyes,thing that I think may enjoyed him.

"Please me what?Anyway...maybe I should tell that I exaggerated last time when we met.",he said,emotionless.

"Sorry?This is how you say sorry!?"

"No,of course not,because I don't apologize .I just say I exaggerated.",he pointed.

"Are you crazy?Just an idea.",I said roughly.

"You're asking for it,Rebecca!Stop pissing me off!",he groaned,and held my arm tight.

"Then..let me go.Please.",I begged him.I didn't want to piss him off.

 He let go,and I quickly took my beg,but gave him a last look.

"You're everywhere, don't you?Who are you,because I don't buy it you're a teacher."

 He laughed.Loudly.And gave me a wink."I'm Phoenix,remember?And I won't let you forget this too soon,sweetie."

 I shut the door,and went straight to the bathroom,where I think Claudia is waiting for me,but then I was pulled off by my hair,and my knees touched the ground.

"Hello again,Torres.We need to give you a lesson,a chemistry lesson.",Evan laughed and pulled me toward the boys bathroom.

-------TO BE CONTINUED------


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