Thirteen :Bullshit

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As the theme song to the Wendy Williams show comes on the crowd goes wild saying(Oo..oo)! Clapping and screaming for Wendy.


I'm in the dressing room getting ready to be live on the Wendy Williams show. I never been on her show before so this is going to be nervousing, seriously, I heard she give it to you raw and I hope she like me than what other artist and celebs tell me.

As Fabian put the finishing touches on my make up I looked at my finishing Look. And when I walked to the full body mirror I didn't find myself ugly anymore. I didn't care what people think about my body. Or the fact that I'm a sex symbol now Gay. I love the way I am and nobody can't tell me so.

So as I'm watching Wendy talk about hot topics I was wondering where Tisha is at. She suppose to be with me on the show. I try texting her and calling her she's not picking up at all. I started to get worry. This unlike Tisha.

So I asked Fabian"boo have you scene Tish?". Fabian shook his head no as he wipe off his brushes from doing my hair.

Then I walked out my dresser room across to my aunt's and walked in. She was laying on the couch eating fruits.

She looked at me"yes?". I put my hand on my hip and said"do you know where Tish at?".

She shrugged her shoulders and sat up looking at me. I instantly got mad because I hope she didn't flake out on me.

45minutes later.....

Wendy Williams speaking to audience: Everybody I would like to welcome my next guess she is the hottest model out right now and have over millions and millions of fans and a new secret that has been blazing the internet, let's give a warm welcome to Simone!:

The audience went crazy as I walk out alone with out Tisha who again did me wrong. I put on a fake smile walking out waving at the audience.

Wendy and I hug and we sat down on her couch.

Well how are you doing Simone?,you look marvelous today.

"Oh thank you Wendy, you look marvelous too how you doing?"

(The crowd goes crazy)

She laughs then say"yes honey can we get a shoe cam real quick.".

I had put my foot together as they admire my 25,000 dollar Gucci shoes.

"So I thought it suppose to be two of you?"

"ME too".

(The crowd start saying"oooo", and Wendy had a shock facial expression)

"Sooo what happen are you guys okay?"

I made a facial expression then looked at the crowd flipping my hair.

(Wendy start laughing and the crowd start going crazy )

"All I need to say is, I'm doing me"

"Well honey if that's what you gotta do then that's what you gotta do, moving along sooo I heard you have a movie coming out...."


I'm in my dresser room undress into my sweats and makeup off laying on the couch staring at the ceiling I can't believe her I have been texting her calling her and she not answering.

So I'll say 30 minutes later.

:hey I know your mad at me but I over slept be at your dressing room in 10 min:

I just ignored her text and kept staring at the ceiling. Waiting for my team and entourage to be packed and ready to go.

Then a knock appeared at my door. Then Tisha comes in with flowers. I looked at her and she had a worry look on her face.

"Baby I'm sorry", she said But I turned my head away from her.

"So your mad at me over an interview?", She said. I snapped back"no it's not over the fucking interview, it's the fact you didn't call me or text me. Got me looking like a fool"

She gets mad"no you look like a fool, what's I hear from the audience as I sign autographs that you dis me on this show, talkin bout I'm doing me, girl bye, you make yourself look like a fool you could've said I was stuck in traffic. But instead you gotta make a scene ".

"Girl ,you need to calm down because at the end of the day you were late!", I yelled.

"Okay so what" She said.

"The whole purpose of the interview was for us to be a gay couple, why do think every fucking show wanted an interview with us two", I said getting annoyed.

"Oh so your saying the only reason why it was interview for us two is because of you being gay. I'm a celebrity too, so it dont have to be about us being gay, it could be about my restaurants"..She said.

I cut her off"girl they don't care about that, they care about me and all my bull shit, they love bullshit!".

She looked at me with tears in her eyes"so our relationship is bullshit?".

I sigh rubbing my face"I didn't say that don't even do that".

"Whatever since our relationship is bullshit then....I'm leaving you", she said.

I got up"I didn't mean it like that , If that was the case why would I kiss you in front of the paparazzi to announce to billions of fans around the globe that I'm gay okay let's be real"

She stood there thinking for a cool minute........ 

I sigh" I guess do what u got to do tish...   just go"

she looks at me, and I look back at her.

we both start laughing. 

" I hate u bruh lol", Tisha says as she grab one of my bags.

I smirk getting up" you wasn't gonna leave tho lol

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