First Big Surprise

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I does not own Hetalia.... Much saddness... 

Matthew woke up to pinging on his window. It was raining outside but the pinging was far to loud to be just rain. He stood and walked over to window, pulling the curtains aside and looking outside to see Gilbert standing there, grinning up at him with a handful of pebbles. He opens the window, yelling, "What are you doing, espèce d'imbécile? You are going to get yourself sick!"

Of course, his voice is so quiet that Gilbert pretends not to hear him, yelling back, "What Birdie? I can't hear you! You'll have to come out here!"

Matthew sighed, knowing he can hear just fine, but closing his window and heading outside anyway. As he walks out the door Gilbert runs around the house and up to him, kissing him softly.


"Hallo. I'm very wet now."

"You should have called or knocked instead of standing outside me window like an idiot. You know you are probably getting sick now, right?"

"So worth it. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to an all you can eat pancake buffet with me."

"Well, of course, but this seems rather out of the blue. Why did this suddenly come up?"

"So, I have to have a reason to want to take my boyfriend out of a date?"

"No, but normally we just stay home, or if we do go out, we normally go somewhere like the fair, so I'm confused."

"Actually, Matthew, there is a reason, but you aren't allowed to know until later."

"Why not?"

"Reasons. That's all I'm saying."


"Because, if I told you now it would ruin the surprise."

"Fine." Matthew leaned over kissing him again, before turning to go into the house, he turned at asked, "When?"

"I'll pick you up tonight. Around seven."

Matthew nodded and walked into his house, leaving the albino standing outside staring at the door with an idiotic grin on his face. 

*Time skip, that evening, at the buffet*

Gilbert sits there watching as the innocent little Canadian downs his fourth stack of pancakes. His fourth stack! Matthew had been grinning and enjoying the food the whole time. Gilbert decided it was best to make his move now. He signaled to one of the waiters who grins and nods back. After a moment the waiter walks up the the table holding a stack of pancakes. When he sets the plate down Matthew observes it, then gasps. It was a stack of four, with butter and syrup, and a ring, right in the middle. The syrup spelled out, "Will you marry me?"

Before he can speak he is nodding. Gilbert grins hugely before picking up the Canadian and spinning him around. When Prussia set Matthew down he kissed him, tenderly, lovingly. 

"Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?!

"Because you said yes."

"But you asked!" 

"Birdie. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is just my way of saying it."

"I love you too, Pooh Bear."

With the the Canadian buried his head in the Prussian's neck, continuing to whisper, "Thank you."

A series of firsts~ A PruCan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now