chapers 1,2, &3

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Hey everyone, I hope you like comment plez! This is unedited so there are errors. Also this is the first 3 chapters. Okay. Enough of me on to the story......

My name is London Terentino, Im 18 and Im one bad ass bitch. I don't take shit from people, I speak my mine and well im a flirt. I can't help it. I love to see boys drool over something they will never lay a finger on. I wouldn't consider myself a mean person but if you get on my bad side lets just say you better say far away from me. Lets see I don't like people but I like people I know its wierd but hopefully you will get it. I am cool with everyone and yes I would say I'm well known or popular. But I'm far from a bitchy head cheerleader. I guess you can say I'm smart even though my attitude may say I dont give a fuck. I kind of don't but College is like the only thing I'm looking forward to. I do my best in school but I wouldn't consider myself a nerd. Im liked by alot of people because I tell it like it is, but there are some people who think im a bitch for the same reason. I'm fine with people having their opinion because I'm confident and one sexy ass bitch with an ego some may say the size of Texas.

I have 2 Older siblings they are in their mid and late twenties so I dont really see them. I dont like them because they are completely two-faced. I live with my mom. She works a lot so I see her when I see her but I understand she is a doctor and they need her. When my mom had to go to Mexico for some buisness I had to stay with my grandma, she is a bitch. No im not just saying that. She yells about everything and curses you out like your nothing but trash. So yeah I dont like her and I told my mom im never staying there again especially not for 3 months. Over the years I had a hard time, my dad when he was around always yelled and cursed at me and told me i was a fuck up and would never amount to anything. Also he hit my mom a few times. So it took me awhile to realize that he was a nobody and that I will amount to something. So as you can tell im kinda by myself and have been for a while.
So from that day on I decided to be one bold mouthy bitch. I was never fond of bulling so if i saw it, I stopped it. If a jock was harrassing a nerd Iwould end it or them I mean yeah I had a motorcycle and a mustang and was soon gonna get an Audi but I would never throw it in anyones face to flaunt that I have money so not my style.

Ding-dong. I heard the door bell ring. It was about 1pm on saturday so I was home by myself. I had on yoga pants and a crop top that only covered half my stomatch. I open the door and before me stood this nerdy/hot guy. "Umm Hi I'm Dominic and we just moved next door". He said. Damn I have a sexy neighbor. I mean sexy yeah I think thats what I ment. " Well im London". I said. He checked me out for a minute then I said "your kinda cute". Well what can I say I speak my mind. "Thanks, you to" he said smiling at me. "Ohh you can come in if you want ". I said. He knodded and walked in. I sat on one end of the couch and he sat at the other. "So Dominic tell me about you". I said. "Well Im 18...". He started but i cut him off. "you legal thats what i like to hear". i said playfully and he looked me up and down checking me out again and continued. " I moved from Nevada, I play just about all sports, I guess im pretty smart". He said. "So your cute, nerdy and cocky at the same time". I said making sure I got it. "yeah I guess so, so tell me about you London". He said taking off his glasses showing his Bluish green eyes. "Damn you have really nice eyes". I said. "Thanks, you just say what your thinking don't you"? He asked. I knod. "Well I'm 18, pretty much by myself, I speak my mind alot as you have seen, I kinda have a ego problem im not gonna lie, i think im the shit, and Im like a bad ass and a smart person all in one". I said. "So your a badass, hot nerd and are my age". He said with a raised eyebrow. "Very good, you catch on quick". I said. "Dominic can I start calling you Dom? Dont get me wrong Dominic is a sexy name but its kinda long "? I asked. "Sure what ever you want". He nonchantly. "Whatever I want, good answer. I like you your smart. I think we are gonna be pretty good friends/neighbors". I Said. His phone rang and he answered it. "yeah, I did, okay im coming". He said and hung up. "I like you to and I think we will be pretty good friends/neighbors also. Plus your way to pretty to be here by yourself all the time. He winked at me then left. Well that went well. I dont know but their is definently something about him I like besides his beautiful eyes, nice looking body from what i could tell and his hair................... the kid had spunk. It was about 11pm now when I heard my name. I look around but I don't hear it then i get up and hear it ohh its just Dom."Whats up Dom"? I asked out my window looking at him in his window. "Ummm I was wondering if........ nevermind" He said. "What is it Dom just ask me I don't bit well unless you want me to". I said. See I can't even stop flirting smh. He raised his eyebrow with a little smirk at my remark. " Well I was gonna ask you if you could show me around tomorrow if your not busy"? He asked. Well I go to the gym at 11am so we can go around 1pm"? I said. "Sure thanks, and the gym explains why you have such a nice body. I blush a bit but he couldn't see it. "So what your saying is that you were checking me out"? I said. "Maybe, maybe not". He said shruging " See you tomorrow London " he said as he walked away. Damn tomorrow should be interesting. In the morning I woke up about 10:20am and got ready for the gym I put on basketball shorts and a sports bra. I grabbed my nikes, gatorade, water, and keys and left. Its crazy how many people try to flirt with me at the gym. Smh. I got back at about 12:15. I was so tired so I just plopped down on my bed. When I rolled over I was facing my window which is when I remembered I told Dom I would show him around. Fuck. I sighed and went to the shower I got dressed I put on a loose shirt that hung off my shoulder and grey skinny jeans. I put my black converse and just through my hair up in I guess you can say a sloopy bun. Not the cute messy bun it was just sloppy. I did the little make up I did wear and grabbed my bag and keys. As I headed down the stairs the door bell rang. I opened it and he just looked at me. " I know I look like crap, but I'm tired". I said. "you don't dont look like crap, I was just in the clouds..... I didn't mean to stare" he said. "Its fine". I said I pulled him in the house and lead him to the garage. "Nice car" he said as if he was shocked. " What you didn't think I drove a bug did you"? I said as we got in the car. I love my mustang so much it was white with light sparkley sliver strips. We drove around showing him where the high school was, clothing stores, the gym, library, walmart,and other things and after where the food places were because I was starving. We went to taco bell and ate and talked. Overall I had a pretty good with him.

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