Modern Love

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sharktaco: hey love :D

SincerelyYours: HAI *tackles you* <333333

sharktaco: -bumps head as he's tackled and passes out-

SincerelyYours: Nooo! *gives you mouth to mouth resuscitation*

sharktaco: -thinks he died and went to in heaven-

SincerelyYours: *kills self too and follows Jake to heaven*

sharktaco: -turns into zombie and looks for brains

SincerelyYours: *feels safe because she doesnt have a brain*

sharktaco: If you did have a brain you wouldn't be with me!

I love this girl.  She's hilarious and fun but sometimes a little self deprecating. Usually she'll surround her put-downs with humor, but they still stand out and kind of bother me.  I've found the best way to deal with it is just go along and act like I don't notice.  In the beginning I would have replied to the "doesn't have a brain" comment with "No! You're smart! You get the best grades! You could be a doctor if you wanted!", but statements like that would just start an argument.  The best response I've found is to just match her self deprecation with some of my own.  I think she enjoys the company.

Kristine's going to school to be a physicians assistant but she easily could eventually go to the medical school for doctors.  Her reasoning actually made a lot of sense.  They basically do the same thing, physicians assistance are on the front lines, except they cost a lot less for hospitals to employ.  Plus she said something about being able to have more free time for a family in the future.  But I don't know, I really like the idea of her being a doctor.  A doctor and a lawyer.  We'd be a power couple.

We met about 6 months ago in September.  Look we didn't actually 'meet' yet, but that's just semantics.  Heck it feels like we've met.  It feels like she knows me better than anyone.  We talk about anything and everything.  Not only do I know her favorite foods,  I know her opinion on every food in existence.  I know she likes just a little hint of mayo on her roast beef sandwich, and doesn't like any soups with noodles in them.  She likes Sierra Mist over Sprite because the bubbles in Sprite burn her throat too much.  Her opinion of Ritz crackers is: 'They're buttery.'  I know this girl.  Too bad she lives so far away.

When my buddies ask who I'm talking to, I lie my butt off and tell them we went to high school together.  I'm not about to tell a bunch of guys how we met in a chatroom and how I've fallen for someone 1,713 miles away.  Some of my friends use dating sites to hookup with girls.  But I think it's really dirty.  They'll fake an emotional attachment, act like they want to be friends, hang out once or twice to lay ground work, then wait for the girl to have a bad day and go in for the score.  Then one of my other friends will be there with a shoulder to cry on and do the same thing to the same poor girl.  They'll collect screenshot pictures of girls they've webcammed with and share them with each other.  They'll post the salacious ones onto a Reddit thread or 4chan forum.  Or they'll trade with some creeps on IRC and the pics will end up on a FTP server ready for all to see. Once that happens there's nothing the girls can do but wait for their pictures to disappear from the NEW list and blend in with the thousands of other old pictures, but they'll always be there, on some CD some hard-drive some server part of a huge collection of some fat bald 50 year old sweaty palmed creep.  There is no way in hell I'm telling them the truth about Kristine.

sharktaco: i gtg i gotta get to my last class

SincerelyYours: You really need a smartphone! im in class now!

sharktaco: i know :( ....... HEY! dont talk to me, pay attention!!!

SincerelyYours: you're more interesting ^.^ webcam later?

sharktaco: sure k cyaz <3

SincerelyYours: BAI *kiss* <333

Ever since Valentine's Day a couple weeks ago, webcamming with SincerelyYours has been a total  blast.

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