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A/N: Heyy there. This was just a random idea I had, and I'm not even sure if I'm going to finish it. But if you like it let me know, and if you think it's worth finishing be sure to tell me.

Anywho, read on! <3




He watched her through the window, her sleeping form angelic in the moonlight. She turned onto her back, and he could see her beautiful face. Her skin was fair, and smooth. Her black hair spread across her pillow. Her lips full, and red. Her button nose, adorable. And he knew that if she opened her eyes, they'd be a dazzling sea green. She was perfect.

 He smiled to himself, ready to kidnap her then and there. To jump through her window, and snatch her up. To whisper love in her ear, to run his fingers through her hair. 

"No," he whispered to himself, "Not yet. Soon, but not yet."

With that, he inched closer to her window, hovering there for a moment. He pulled out his knife, and slipped it between the old fashion window, easily unlatching it, and swinging it open silently, years of practice making it a simple task. His eyes twinkled in anticipation, as he put  away his knife. 

He floated silently down into the room, not even disturbing the air. His bare feet touched the carpet, and he padded over to her bedside table. He looked over at her for a moment, before turning back to the nightstand. There was an alarm clock, lamp, and a half empty glass of water. The alarm clock read, 3:54 AM. She wouldn't wake for another two hours or so. 

He reached into his pocket once more, and when he brought his hand back out, inside was a small wooden box. A music box. A sad smile tugged at his lips, and his eyes grew distant as he thought of something long ago. He shook his head, snapping himself out of it. He drew his lips into a firm line, and set the music box down on the nightstand. He turned away, toward the window, and was about to leave when a sudden urge caused him to turn back.

He looked from the music box, to the sleeping figure, and back. Taking a deep breath he open the lid of the box, and it began to play. A soft melody floated around the room. He closed his eyes, remembering. 

A tear rolled down his cheek, and he opened his eyes. He turned away, the music box still playing. Hovering by the window he took one more look at the girl still sleeping in the bed. He took a shaky breath, and flew out the window. The white curtains billowing out behind him.


A soft tune echoed out the window, into the night.

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